VIII : The Deal

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Wearing a comfortable but warm light beige raincoat, the raven-haired woman walked into her school. She had worn the same makeup as before, giving her a younger appearance to her almond shaped eyes and round face. Truth be told, most of the students in her grade were only a year younger than her. And yet, she felt as though she had lived ages more than them.

She arrived after the Cullen children, seeing the parked silver Volvo. Gwen grinned as she toyed with the idea of parking right next to them. But decided not to, as to not offend them. What if 'cold ones' didn't take kindly to jokes?

Gwen didn't know what to expect throughout the day. She only shared a class with Edward after lunch. She had no luck seeing him in her morning classes or in between the hallways. She had been playing it cool with Cal, but truth be told, she was terrified to see him again. He had the face of her ex-boyfriend. And that made her uncomfortable...Actually, it terrified her. It made her want to puke. It made her want to run away and forget she ever saw him. But at the same time, she wanted to find out everything about him. She wanted to know him.

During lunch, Jessica pulled her towards their lunch table, asking Gwen eager questions about what she did over the weekend. And Gwen complied, she needed something 'normal' to do while she waited for Edward to enter the lunch room.

"Cal took me to Seattle" Gwen said honestly, as the rest of the students looked at her with interest.

She grinned, they must have all thought she had such an exciting life. She was playing the role of a city girl that moved to a small town.

"I'm sure Seattle was much more exciting than staying in this boring town" Lauren said, raising her eyebrow at Gwen as though challenging her.

"I think Cal feels bad for moving me in the middle of Senior year" Gwen said nonchalantly.

"A weekend in Seattle is definitely a good way to make up for it" Jessica said, as she looked over her shoulder. "Okay don't look now, but Edward Cullen is looking straight over here."

Angela and Lauren both looked to where Jessica had just peered from.

"Whoa, what did you do to Edward?" Angela asked quietly, as she followed Edward's glare to Gwen.

"Huh?" Gwen asked, as she did not dare to look his way.

"He won't stop staring at you" Angela said uncomfortably. "And Bella is sitting right next to him."

Jessica looked excited for this new drama, "Maybe he has a crush on you? He does have an eye for the new girls."

Now it was Gwen's turn to laugh, "I doubt it."

"Don't tell me you don't think he's hot?"

"Of course. He's very handsome. He actually reminds me of someone I knew once."

Jessica hesitated, as Gwen realized her tone was a sad one. Angela must have noticed, as she gave Gwen a caring look. But before either girls could open her mouth, Gwen decided to start her mission.

"I actually met Edward over the weekend" Gwen said, as she saw the boy freeze in an inhumane way from across the room. He was still. Too still. He certainly wasn't playing a role of human anymore. Or at least, he was failing at it.

"Really?" Jessica asked with curiosity.

Gwen didn't dare look to Edward's way, knowing he must have the same murderous look in his eye as he did on Saturday night.

"I ran into him in Seattle. He was very friendly."

"That's so strange" Angela said thoughtfully. "I thought Bella had said he went camping with his family, since Friday was such good weather."

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