XXXVII : The Friendship

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Gwen spent a good amount of time sitting at the gravesite of her best friend, recounting everything she had experienced since landing her assignment in Forks. She carefully straightening out the yellow flowers and adding more, knowing Hermione wouldn't like all of the attention, but would appreciate the gesture.

"You know, I think you would like the Cullens" Gwen said quietly, as she looked over the name of her friend. "Dr. Cullen especially, with how much he has seen in his life. I think you two would get along well. You would find him so fascinating, I'm sure you could talk for hours with him...And Edward, I think you would like him too...."

The raven-haired woman sighed, as she closed her eyes, feeling the tightness in her chest, "I miss you everyday...I'm sorry Hermione. I'm so sorry...Even after, I've failed you. I should have found your parents. I should have--"

Gwen broke off as her voice cracked. She felt the heaviness in her chest as she swallowed hard and forced herself to take deep breaths. She couldn't even remember the last time she and Hermione had laughed together, the last time they did anything that didn't involve the war...And it hurt. Everything hurt. Knowing that her best friend didn't get to experience a life after a war. She had been so close...So close...

And even so, she was gone. And Gwen was there.

Gwen fell back, falling onto the grass behind her. She closed her eyes as she felt the warmth of the sun hitting her directly. Whatever had made her come back here, to think of Hogwarts and bring Edward...She felt as though it had meant to have happened. Like their paths had crashed into each other so quickly and fiercely, just to bring her back to this moment.

Edward was right, life was precious. Life went on. And she needed to move on too...Even if Harry backed out of them finding Ron, Gwen would finish what she set out to do. She would find Hermione's parents.

"Once my assignment is done" Gwen said with determination, as she looked upon Hermione's name once more. "I will find them. I'll bring them home. I promise. No matter what."

She suddenly felt something soft graze her hand. It was a small beautiful pink flower. Gwen looked around, the small flower must have fallen from the tree nearby.

Gwen felt a warmth overwhelm her as she looked back to where her friend rested. And it was then as relief and comfort spread throughout her, that she knew it wasn't just a coincidence. "Thank you..."

Once she was done, she said goodbye, and tended to Colin's resting place as well. She knew his parents wanted him buried in their hometown, but there was still a representative site for Colin there.

On her way back, Gwen stopped by two of the elixir and potion shops to purchase a good supply of Dragon Blood. If they were going to figure out what to do with the newborns that were coming, the Cullens needed all of the help they could get.

By the time she returned home, she was feeling lighter, and more sure of herself that she was doing the right the thing. Harry had been right, Gwen had needed to see Hermione. She wasn't doing herself any favors by avoiding the cemetery.

And who knew, after she was done in the cemetery, everything seemed quite clear.

She knew what she needed to do. And everything else, would work itself out. This, she was sure of.

"Hi" Gwen said with a slight smile, as she walked into her home.

Edward was once more in the kitchen, cooking something up that smelled spectacular. It was then that her stomach growled, she realized she had no idea what time it was! And how long she had been in the cemetery for.

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