LV : The Vampire and The Witch

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Laughing together, Gwen and Rosalie made it farther into the forest as Gwen knew they needed to be somewhere no muggle could see or hear them. When she finally spotted Esme, she was hunched over Bree, who was still knocked out and bound by Gwen's spell. Carlisle was standing off to the side, speaking calmly to the Newborn, as though he was trying to wake her up.

"Hello Gwen dear" Esme smiled so welcoming, as she turned to wave at her.

The raven-haired woman felt a warmth overwhelm her, as Esme truly radiated a mother's love that was so unfamiliar to her. But it was definitely a nice feeling.

"Hi Esme, Carlisle" Gwen greeted with a smile, as she truly understood Edward's appreciation and respect for his adoptive parents.

"What can we do for you?" Carlisle grinned cheerfully, as Gwen could tell they were fond of bringing someone new into their family.

"I brought some presents for Bree" Gwen joked, as she reached into her small purse.

Gwen noticed how Carlisle, Esme, and Rosalie's eyes both grew in wonder, as she stuck her entire arm through her purse, only to pull out about seven jars full of Dragon Blood.

"I need one of those" Rosalie muttered, as Esme smiled.

"It's Dragon Blood. I know we didn't have much time to talk about it before the Newborns lot came. But when Edward said he didn't feel any thirst for any blood at all, I thought it might be helpful to you all, well, especially to Bree."

"That is very kind of you to think of us and Bree" Esme said as she immediately took one of the jars. "We've been wondering how to transition Bree to animal blood, but this is quite perfect."

"She hasn't awoken" Carlisle said, looking amused at Gwen's spell. "A part of us were thinking it might be a good idea for her to be bound until she can control her thirst, but with this new blood, she might just be able to walk around freely."

"I still can't believe the amount of torture Victoria and Riley had put them through" Esme said gently, as she shook her head in concern. "Poor child."

"Edward had less than a cup of the blood" Gwen said, as she looked to the jars. "Bree might need more, but for now, I think this might to her well for a few months. I'm sending Rosalie an owl, please write to me when you need more--"

Esme immediately placed Gwen in her arms, embracing her tightly.

"I have no idea what would have happened to us all without you and Cal, thank you Gwen. Thank you both so much for what you did for our family" Esme said gently, holding Gwen not with warmth, as her body was cold and hard as stone, but Gwen could almost feel the warmth and love radiating from the woman.

"It's really not a problem" Gwen smiled, as she too, hugged Esme back. "Thank you all for having us, and not trying to kill us again" Gwen teased, chuckling as Carlisle looked embarrassed.

"My children sometimes get ahead of themselves" Carlisle said apologetically.

"We couldn't even get inside of your house" Rosalie said, making a face as though she were remembering a bad memory. "Whatever magic you had protecting you--Well, let's just say that I've never felt pain like that in my entire existence."

"That'll teach you to think before you act" Esme scolded her daughter, as Gwen and Carlisle exchanged amused looks.

"Gwen, do you mind if we speak in my office?" Carlisle asked, as he looked to Bree. "And maybe you can--"

"Oh! Yes, of course!" Gwen said quickly, as she pulled out her wand.

"Perhaps we should walk a bit of a distance before you wake her," Carlisle insisted quickly. "Bree is going to wake up confused and I would prefer if the first thing she does, isn't try to attack you."

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