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Things happen quickly. When you hear other people mention that, you think they're exaggerating. But after the Second Wizarding War was officially over. Things did in fact, happen quickly.

With terms approved for the rest of the surrendering Death Eaters, the end of the war was formalized. It took months before the war trials began, leaving many of the rebel leaders at the forefront of those trials. Especially with most of the Death Eater side pronounced dead.

The woman with heavy short raven hair and deep brown skin took a deep breath, as she forced herself to pull her thoughts from the traumatic memories that plagued her mind. The guilt of the war had weighed her down for over a year. She had been told multiple times she would see the good at the end of the rainbow, that she would forgive herself and move on. That there would be something good to look forward to. That one day, her feelings of guilt and trauma from the war would be gone.

But how could she?

At 19-years old, she took the first assignment out of Britain. She could not stand being in the same place as them. As everyone she had let down. And everyone who was now gone because she was not strong enough.

Her best friend had called it survivors guilt. She called it bearing the pain, so no one else would have to. And so, she left. Bringing the weight of carrying the death of everyone who was left behind in the Second Wizarding World.

Taking a breath, and tossing her short choppy hair to the side, the woman looked around her new surrounding. She was standing in a grassy knoll, with thick fog rolling in from between the trees, almost as though they were coming to greet her. She would have thought it was beautiful if she did not believe it was an ominous sign to her arriving to this damp and precipitating place.

Though guilt and torture consumed her, the woman's face had a round shape and innocent appeal. Perhaps that is why she had been chosen for this assignment. Or perhaps, they just wanted to kick her out of her country...

It took her only moments to remember, she herself, was the one who had volunteered and practically begged to leave. The new government officials pitied her and approved her travel papers. After all, could they really say no to one of the leaders of the war?

War hero. War criminal. Was there really a difference?

She knew in Europe, there was not a magical creature who did not know her name. Who did not know what she had done. What she was. And yet, in this Olympic Peninsula, no one knew who she was. And in some strange way, that was comforting to her.

The diffused grey light of a darkening sky pushed light just far enough, that she wondered if it was truly daybreak or nighttime. Glancing down at her watch, a golden designer brand that was gifted to her after the war, she knew she was on time. It was the man she was waiting for, who was late.

Tapping her black-heeled boots impatiently, the woman wondered if this was a common American custom. She had made an effort to be there early, and in this dreadful weather too. She could now see the white fog rolling through the forest in a majestical way, almost as though she were in a dream.

The forest reminded her of another lifetime, when she and her friends made camp throughout almost a year during the war. And not to mention, the year before that...

The woman shook her head once more, as her thick raven hair moved with her. She was using this assignment to start over. Not to dwell in the past.

The assignment she had volunteered for was a simple one. There had been sightings and rumors of a new magical species in the United States that were hunting muggles. Her new government volunteered a hand in assisting the Magical Congress in the United States (MACUSA), by gifting them with her presence. Would MACUSA turn down a War Hero? A War Criminal?

Of course not.

They approved her to join the researcher Cal Lawrence without hesitation. Cal had been the first to catch wind of these new creatures. It was his discovery, and the raven-haired woman was just there along for the ride. They were to find the creatures, assess if they were dangerous, and report back to their respective governments.

Without sending word to anyone, the woman left her home for her new assignment. She needed to do something. Especially after the war trials. Even before the war, she was accustomed to action rather than sitting around. And a new adventure was what she craved. A new dangerous adventure.

With the key word 'dangerous' seducing her into volunteering.

A slight 'POP!' echoed behind her as a new presence had joined her.

"Gwen Organa" the man said with a friendly smile, holding his hand out politely as the woman turned to meet his eye. "You're a lot younger than I expected."

The man had dark brown skin, a beautiful shade that mixed well with the forestry. His hair was cut neatly, shaping itself carefully and cooly against his forehead. He was tall. Handsome. And had a genuine carefree air about him.

"Cal Lawrence" Gwen answered, as she took his hand. "You're late."

The man blushed as he looked surprised being reprimanded by a young girl almost five years younger than him. Cal had a genuine playfulness about him, almost a happy-go lucky personality that the woman couldn't help but feel as though it reminded her of someone she once knew.

"Sorry about that" Cal apologized, still taken aback by her words. He swallowed, as Gwen could see his Adam's apple moving nervously as he did so. "S-so I was able to scout the area for a few weeks. Seems pretty much like a pretty normal boring unincorporated town. No sightings of any magical species of yet. But once we make our grand entrance, that might change."

"That's why we're here" Gwen nodded, as she crossed her arms and looked back to the forest. The forest had a strange energy she couldn't quite place. The fog continued to roll playfully throughout the green and watered grass. It truly did look as though it were from a fairytale. "Is it true there hasn't been any wizards or witches born in this area for centuries?"

Cal nodded, a new excited grin coming to his face, "My theory is that these creatures are subverting the magical energies in this very spot. Hence, the lack of witch and wizards being born here."

Gwen nodded, as she kicked a rock with her long black boot.

"This is definitely not Europe" Cal said, grinning at her with the same excited look he had in facing this new adventure.

The raven-haired woman looked around the trees, her eyes looking over to the old and run down sign in front of her, "Welcome to Forks, Washington."


A/N: So, just a quick run down. This Harry Potter/Twilight crossover is an alternate universe to my Harry Potter Fan Fiction "Growing Strong". I've had this idea in my head for a while and just decided to run with it for fun. You don't need to read my HP story to understand it.

I'll just break it down here: Gwen Organa is my OC who is the main character in this story. This story has a weird timeline, but I figured it's my own take so it's fine. It takes place a year after the Second Wizarding War, so I moved the Twilight timeline to fit the HP timeline. Basically, this Twilight AU doesn't take place in the early 2005, it is now taking place a year after the Battle of Hogwarts.

Black Hole Sun [Harry Potter/Twilight]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant