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Chapter twenty-seven; Compartment prank

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Jasmine's head lolled to the side as she was losing herself in sleep against the window of the compartment. Her body was slumped sideways as her coat was jumbled up cushioning her head leaning on the glass. On the seats across from her, Robyn was laying across all three with a Witch Weekly magazine in her hands, eyes scanning the pages. The Hogwarts Express was riding across vast fields all covered with a thick layer of snow.

The train was booming with laughter and joy as students were expecting their arrival to their family homes. At times like these Jasmine wondered if maybe staying at Hogwarts would be a good enough idea as well, but if she were alone then it would be worse than going to her house. No matter the difficult behaviour of her father and William. A tough week was behind them as professors wanted to get some final grades for the first semester.

Jasmine managed to pull an all-nighter the last day as she procrastinated all the way up to that. The feeling when she left a certain exam was never good but she could care less of what grade she would get, as long as she passed. She did though see a slight improvement ever since she spent her time studying with Remus. He was just that much good of a tutor. This is also the reason why Jasmine fell asleep in the first hour of the train ride back to King's Cross.

Then all of a sudden the door of the compartment slid open in a rush and a person stepped in before closing the door and closing the curtains as well. Robyn lowered her magazine and rolled her eyes as she saw Lily standing there with a panicked looking facial expression. Jasmine was still asleep against the window.

''Jass,'' Lily said loudly.

The brunette stirred awake and looked confusedly across the small space. Her eyes landed on Lily and her eyebrows furrowed as she pushed off the wall so she sat up straighter. ''Lil? What's the matter?'' Jasmine stretched her arms and yawned immediately after she spoke.

Lily peeked through the slit in the curtains and then her scared eyes looked back at her friend. ''Potter was following me as I wanted to get to the trolley and talking my ears off when I saw Severus on the other end of the corridor calling out to me. I opened the first door to hide and luckily it was your compartment. Can I stay?'' The redhead said it all in one breath.

Jasmine nodded and patted the seat beside her for Lily to sit down. Lily took another fearful glance back before she hastily sat down. Robyn went back to reading her magazine while Jasmine tiredly leaned her head back on the wall. It was quiet for some time and Jasmine felt herself slowly going back to dreamland when Lily suddenly moved from beside her.

''Did you...?'' Lily started with a thinking facial expression. Jasmine opened her eyes slowly and looked at the redhead. She couldn't bother to move even slightly. ''Did you say something to Potter? As in anything at all?''

Jasmine furrowed her eyebrows at the question. She sat up straighter as Lily turned sideways to lean on the back of the seat. ''I did, but it was nothing major,'' Jasmine answered back cautiously.

''What did you say?'' Lily asked with one of her eyebrows quirked up.

Jasmine looked away and recalled the little speech she gave Potter and Black in the middle of the hallway. ''Potter tried to convince me to help and set him up with you to which I refused. Then I just discreetly told him he should pull his head out of his ass and stop annoying you.'' She shrugged nonchalantly.

Lily rolled her eyes and let out a deep sigh. ''Well, he only became more talkative now. At any given point he wants to spark up some kind of conversation even though I told him to leave me alone.''

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