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Chapter thirty-one; Prefect's bathroom

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Robyn was sleeping on her stomach, head facing away from the door. Jasmine smiled as she saw Isla curled up on the girls back purring softly. The black cat was instantly loved by both Jasmine's roommates as she was extremely cuddly. Both Robyn and Sophie had owls and they resided in the Owlery, so having a cat to pet in their dorm was now their favourite pass time. Jasmine quietly closed the door behind her wrapping herself arms around her with a towel hanging off of her shoulder.

Her hair was in a messy bun on top of her head and she was wearing some very comfy sweats. Her feet carried her across the school grounds and up to the fifth floor where she was met with the door of the Prefect's bathroom. That room felt like heaven and it was luxury to all prefects and Quidditch captains. Jasmine definitely enjoyed it as much as she could, having calm evenings in the warm bath. She always found herself time to go there more so after curfew when she was certain she would be alone. Sometimes it happened that the doors were locked, meaning whoever was inside wanted the whole thing by themselves.

So when Jasmine's hand pushed the door open she sighed in relief to find it unlocked and empty. She stepped into the room the door closing itself behind her when her ears suddenly picked up some movement in the water. Her eyes travelled to the bath and she widened them quickly before she clasped a hand on her eyes not believing what she just saw.

''I'm sorry!'' She called out with an apologetic voice. ''I thought it was empty.'' She talked with her hand still in front of her eyes, blocking the sight and her feet glued to the ground as the shock wouldn't let her move at all.

Remus chuckled nervously as he dipped down so only his head was poking out the water, even though she couldn't see anything. ''It's alright.'' His cheeks were tinted with red as he waited what her next move will be.

Jasmine turned around, her back now facing Remus as she brought her hand down and stared at the door. ''I-I'm going to leave, sorry again-''

''No, no wait!'' Remus said urgently as she was starting to walk towards the door. ''I should go, I've been here long enough.''

Jasmine halted in her steps as she heard the water swooshing around, undoubtedly the result of Remus getting out. ''No, no.'' She replied but still didn't turn around. ''You stay, I'll go.''

The swooshing stopped. But so did Jasmine, she didn't leave the instant that she said those words. She stayed put, something holding her back and not letting her leave. Either it was the wish to spend an evening in the bathroom, in the warm beautifully smelling water or it was something else. There was also a fact that she didn't want to step out to the cold hallway when the inside was so warm. It was quiet for some time before Remus shakily spoke up.

''If you're not bothered by it, we could both stay. I could use some company.'' At the end he cleared his throat, bringing his voice back to his usual tone.

Jasmine's lips parted. It was a solution, probably benefiting both as neither really wanted to leave. She didn't answer as her actions already showed she's really going to stay. She put her hand up in front of her eyes and turned around taking smaller steps in order not to fall. Remus had to bite his lip to not laugh at her ridiculousness. Jasmine thought she probably looked stupid too so she slowly removed the hand, but cast her eyes elsewhere and not the bath.

She went off to the side to drop her things on the floor when she remembered that she didn't bring any swimsuit, thinking she'll be alone. Her cheeks burned pink as she let out a low hum. Her head turned to the bath with embarrassment and she caught Remus looking. His eyes quickly averted but he received the message she was trying to tell him so he turned around completely, in order not to snoop.

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