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Chapter sixty-eight; Boyfriend

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''How can this not be a bad thing?'' asked Jasmine with bewilderment. She was looking straight at Gabriel trying to read any emotion off of him but he was closing in and other than a slight frown she couldn't sense anything else.

His eyes were cast downward at the floor when he shrugged nonchalantly. ''What can we really do about it?''

Jasmine did a double-take and blinked rapidly. She thought she heard him wrong but all of his answers were the same, it sent a strange course of rage through her body.

''Anything for it to not happen. You heard our mums, they are both against it. I can also see why they were both married when they were your age. Can you imagine this time next year to already be married?'' Jasmine was excessively flailing her arms, her voice getting desperate yet she was still not getting a reaction out of him. He didn't flinch or smile or frown, he just stared absentmindedly at a random spot.

Jasmine grumbled out loud. ''Well I can't and I don't want to be married. I thought out of all people in this household it would be you who would agree with me first since frankly we are both in this crap. Why are you not...?'' Jasmine trailed off in the middle of the sentence.

Her sense was following her question and she answered it herself in her mind before she could even ask it. She stilled completely, her lips parting in shock as she flickered her eyes at Gabriel. After what felt like an eternity he looked up and met her glance, yet his was emotionless. Jasmine let out a quiet 'oh' and immediately bit her lip in embarrassment. She just lashed out before thinking clearly.

''Can you blame me?'' asked Gabriel. He moved Isla off of his lap and slowly stood up. ''That I don't find that idea as ridiculous because I actually like you, Jasmine?''

A soft gasp left Jasmine at those words. She knew it but hearing it from him was completely different. It made it real.

''I didn't know how much more obvious I could get. We went out on a date, I wanted to kiss you after that said date, I hung out with you even after you rejected me. I really do like you and I was hoping that eventually, you would like me back. So the idea doesn't sound bad because we could be great together, I would take good care of you as your –''

''Don't,'' Jasmine said and put her hands up defensively. She took a step back and away from Gabriel, not wanting to hear that word at that moment. ''Don't talk about this so simply, because it's not.''

Gabriel sighed and raised his hand to scratch behind his neck in awkwardness. ''Yeah, I realise that now. I guess my hope can die last.'' He said solemnly.

A pang of guilt coursed through Jasmine when she saw his sad expression. There was nothing to do yet she still felt bad for being the person causing Gabriel pain right now. Gabriel turned around and sat down back on her bed, putting his face into his hands. A frustrated sigh followed out of him after that.

''Gabriel, I'm so sorry, I –'' She didn't know how to continue. What was she apologising for?

He looked up at her. ''Can you at least tell me why you're so opposed to the idea?''

''Because I have –'' a boyfriend, it was nearly out of her mouth. She almost exposed her relationship. ''I-I have, uh-'' She stuttered some more and feeling caught under the intense stare Gabriel was giving her.

Jasmine's eyes glanced at her desk where there was a pile of letters from her friends, the ones she was keeping because she missed all of them so much. She let out a long breath a decision being made in her mind. She looked Gabriel straight in the eyes.

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