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Chapter twelve; Study buddies raise suspicion

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Lily's peaceful afternoon was interrupted in a matter of moments. She was seated in the library with a book in her lap when a chair pulled up next to her. At first, she didn't want to look away from reading and she rather pretended she was oblivious to it. Then the person cleared their throat and Lily looked up. Instead of the expected annoying Potter sitting there it was Robyn.

Lily curiously lifted her eyebrows and lowered the book in her hands. Robyn stayed quiet her line of look centred solely on her own hands. It looked like she was gathering some thoughts and she had no idea of how to go about them.

She let out an incoherent murmur and finally looked up to the redhead. ''Did you know?'' It was a simple question, yet extremely vague. Even because the two girls rarely exchanged any words at all.

Lily searched around with her eyes not completely sure what Robyn was hinting at. At the confused expression, Robyn sighed before standing up. She grabbed Lily's wrist along the way, yanking the Gryffindor girl out of her seat as well. Robyn dragged her in between two shelves in the library before she stopped abruptly making Lily hit her from behind. She already wanted to apologize but the brunette put a finger on her lips making her stay quiet.

Robyn then peeked from the corner of the shelf and waved Lily over. The redhead neared the edge and looked at what Robyn was discretely pointing at. Her eyes laid on Jasmine and Remus sitting at one of the tables, books surrounding them, quietly conversing about an unknown topic. Lily backed away and was closely followed by Robyn's eyes. The brunette was expecting some sort of acknowledgement or clue from Lily, who didn't seem at all surprised at what she saw. Robyn's eyes were staring her down and the girl couldn't feel more confused.

''What?'' Lily asked with a small shrug to her shoulders.

Robyn refrained herself from hitting her forehead, she thought she couldn't be more obvious. Crossing her arms over her chest she raised one of her eyebrows expectantly. ''Did you know they were a thing?''

Lily squinted her eyes collecting words said by Robyn. ''Who? Jasmine and Remus?'' The brunette had to excessively nod her head. She felt like she was talking to a small clueless child. ''They're just studying.'' Lily shrugged not seeing the big deal Robyn was making out of this.

She was the one who explained to Remus how Jasmine couldn't care less about her school work. And it only made her happier that he was helping her. She was sure Jasmine would listen to him and in all honesty, the girl was a handful sometimes so that way Lily didn't have to deal with her. No harm no foul.

Robyn rolled her eyes. ''Yeah, right.'' She said in a sarcastic tone, refusing to believe they were just studying.

In her mind, she would much rather have the knowledge that her best friend finally found someone so she could exchange some boy talk with her. Robyn took a deep breath before looking the redhead straight in the eyes.

''Look, I know we're not on the best terms but just please tell me if you know something.'' She pleaded though Lily's expression stayed the same. ''Or- or just look at them again and tell me that they don't look like they could be a couple.'' Robyn knew she was slightly throwing false hope out there but it was still hope.

Lily nodded curtly and leaned around the bookshelf again. The pair stayed the same and Lily hadn't found anything peculiar about it. So she turned around back to Robyn and without even muttering a word the Hufflepuff already rolled her eyes.

''Okay fine. I'll go ask Siri if he knows anything.'' Robyn abruptly turned around and left Lily standing there completely dumbfounded.

She had no idea what drove Robyn so hard about it. But then again she thought about Jasmine and Remus dating an unwilling smile appeared on her face. It would be rather cute and they do seem very compatible. With one last look towards their way, she left the library.

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