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Chapter twenty-eight; A not so delightful Christmas

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Despite all the complaints Jasmine had about her family, she loved her mum. Jasmine loved to have long talks with her in the living room while both were sipping teas, she loved when mum read to her out of the newest book she got, she loved when they laughed together while cooking or baking in the kitchen and she loved when they were home alone when her father and cousin were not present.

What she didn't love is how her parents were together, how her mum was quiet when father was present, how many things her mum hid away from her father and how she had to put on a loving façade so that father wouldn't harm her. She also strongly disliked how now she'll have to put up with sweet talks of William who will be sucking up to both her mum and her father for two weeks straight while still receiving glares and threats behind closed doors.

When her mum apparated the three of them to the pathway to their house Jasmine completely forgot that maybe her father might still be furious about that stupid rumour of her having a boyfriend. So when she entered her house her heart started beating much faster than it was mere moments ago. William was the first to get to Jasmine's father greeting him respectfully with a hug. Jasmine watched from the corner of her eye and it appeared that her father was in a good mood today.

''Jasmine.'' He called her not long after.

Jasmine smiled and stepped over to her father as well. He had a smile on his face and she thought that if you sweep all the horrible manipulation and controlling aspects of him under the rug, he can be quite nice and friendly. Jasmine hugged her dad, not enjoying it that much but she knew it would bring joy to him.

Family was the most important thing to Jasmine's father ever since his brother died quite a few years back. Jasmine doesn't remember much of her uncle and aunt since she was very young when they passed. She is also oblivious to the reason why they were gone but the whole thing looked a bit sketchy. She asked her mum but she didn't want to share, never did she even think to ask her father. After they were gone Mr Pearson took William in as his own son and favoured him over Jasmine ever since. That especially showed during gifting time on Christmas.

She took a breath of relief when after the initial greeting she could go up to her room and her dad didn't mention anything bad at all that would give her a punishment. Jasmine took her time to get to the room and unpack for the small break while at the same time carefully collecting all the gifts. It wasn't long before she was being called back down for a gift exchange in the living room.

When her eyes set on the decorated warm coloured living space she realised she was the last to come. Her father was in his usual armchair, reclining back, William was sitting by the tree aligning the parcels and mum was on the couch. Jasmine joined her when she carefully placed the gifts under the tree.

"Willy, why don't you start?" Mr Pearson seated up in his recliner.

William nodded already being very near all the presents. Jasmine leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest when her cousin dragged the biggest box from under the tree closer to himself. She watched with a sour face as he started unwrapping the very neatly wrapped present with an excited face. Her father also looked rather eager for William to open it as he said.

"It's a little something from mum and me." He glanced sideways at his wife with a smile and Mrs Pearson smiled back.

But when he turned away Jasmine noticed how her face turned serious again as she watched William pull the lid of the box. She guessed that her mum had absolutely no idea what was in that box and it was only father's idea to spoil William as much as he could. Will gasped and let out an excited laugh as he saw what Jasmine's parents got him.

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