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Chapter ninety-five; Beauty marks

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Jasmine winced as she tried moving her shoulder to see how much it will hurt her. She didn't get far with it as it pained her with the tiniest motion. Underneath all the bandages that covered her upper half of the body and left arm were three deep scratches that have just recently stopped bleeding. Jasmine sighed before she downed a potion for pain relief and looked around the hospital wing. On the bed next to hers was Sirius soundly sleeping in the early morning hours. Jasmine couldn't sleep, she was too terrified to do so and she rather sat up in bed and gnawed at her mind with the thoughts of the night. Her head turned left and she sought out Remus on the other side of the room laying unconsciously in one of the beds.

For several hours Jasmine had time to think about what happened and wrap her head around it. She was attacked by her werewolf boyfriend during the night and thanks to Sirius she made it out alive. After Smirnitsky ran into the Forest he helped her get to the Hospital wing at which point Jasmine lost so much blood she fell unconscious. But when Madam Pomfrey began cleaning her wound it hurt so much she came back to her senses and was awake ever since.

Not far from Remus' bed stood Pomfrey with professor Smirnitsky and Professor Dumbledore. By the look of it, they were trying to explain everything to the professor and he was taking it with only mild shock.

Jasmine sighed and slowly slid down the edge of the bed, grimacing at how her muscles pulled and made her wounds hurt. She tried to move her arm as little as possible and realised she looked like a walking robot if she didn't want it to hurt her. Her feet took her across the room to Remus' side, ignoring the stares she got from the professors as they stopped their whispering conversation. Jasmine halted in front of the little cupboard next to the table and neatly arranged the pile of chocolates that she earlier brought to his side.

Her eyes then raked over Remus' unconscious body. He looked peaceful yet the bandages on his body spoke of nightmares. One nightmare that they now shared and will forever be embedded into their brains. She lowered herself on the edge of the bed, turning so she could look at him. He received a new wound that will turn into a scar running sideways on the neck, looking like it just barely missed an important vein. Instinctively Jasmine checked his bandages if they were holding up alright. Not that she doubted Pomfrey did a good job but she had enough of her endless thoughts and wanted to occupy her mind a little.

Suddenly Remus twitched and Jasmine feared she caused it by accidentally hurting him. She looked at his face and saw how it contorted with an uneasy emotion. It took her a couple of seconds to realise he was having a nightmare and it caused his eyebrows to knit together from whatever he was experiencing in his mind. Jasmine reached out and grabbed his hand, running her thumb softly on the back of it in hopes she was soothing him.

The nightmare seemed to have reached its peak point as Remus opened his eyes wide and breathed in. He pushed up on his elbows, head turning everywhere, trying to make sense of where he is and what's going on.

''Hey, hey. Shh.'' Jasmine said calmly, taking both his hands in hers. After Remus' scared eyes made a connection with hers, his breathing became slower as well as his tremors stopped altogether. ''You're alright, it was just a nightmare.'' Jasmine offered him a small smile in hopes of calming him down.

He took a couple more deep breaths, aware of her hands holding his so he squeezed them tightly and sat more upright. ''It was horrible.'' He looked downwards.

''What happened?'' Jasmine asked, thinking that if he talked about it, it will eventually leave his mind.

Remus sighed through his nose. ''It's hazy already and I remember only snippets but I remember I was somewhere really dark. And you were there too. You looked really scared and I was trying to help and find out what made you so scared, make it go away. It was like I could smell your fear and hear your fast heartbeat echoing in my mind. Next I remember is you, laying on the ground with a bloody shirt...''

Chocolate Covered Strawberries [Remus Lupin]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora