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Chapter ninety-nine; Christmas dinner

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Jasmine couldn't shake the thought of actual murder within her family for a few days in a row. The fact that she suspected it way before didn't help at all, because when it became real it was like a load of bricks that toppled on her. She couldn't process what Will told her although it was simple enough. His parents were killed and they are still left in the dark as to why or how. But it had definitely something to do with Jasmine's dad. The mess had his smell all over it. Jasmine left the house distressed and sad.

She didn't want to leave Will alone in there, especially with this news but he reassured her he'll be fine. After all these years Jasmine couldn't believe they were on common ground. Nearly as if they called truce, but she would have to hear a lot of apologies from him before she would really forgive him. Spending days at the Fawleys' was as normal as ever. Gabriel and she were back to their old selves, chatting and being great friends. Mr Pearson hadn't dropped in to check at all just like they suspected – he forgot all about the engagement since no one mentioned it. Talisa became her second mum and Jasmine loved spending time with her as they chatted just like she would with her own mum. Both of them missed Aleah's presence and they filled it with one another.

Sooner than expected came Christmas Eve and Jasmine found herself staring at the snow-covered paths in the street. She let out a ragged breath and watched the clouds of smoke leave her lips and disperse further up. Snow crunched under her winter boots as she walked alongside houses, tightly gripping a neatly decorated box in her hands. In the distance she spotted the little house Remus described to her many, many times – his family home.

She had half the mind to turn around and walk back to the Fawleys', no matter if they lived several hours of walking away. She apparated here, but she would gladly walk if it meant that the cold numbed her nerves. She met the parents of her friends before and all was fine, but Remus'? That's entirely different and Jasmine was more scared than for any exam before. This was practically a real-life exam. Will she pass it?

When she arrived at the house she noticed someone standing on the outside porch and quickly made it out to be Remus. He was wearing only a knitted jumper and had no shoes on.

''What are you doing out in the cold?'' Jasmine called to him worried, although a smile played on her lips.

Remus snapped his head up at the sound of her voice. Jasmine hurried her steps towards him, putting the box under one arm so she could jump into his embrace and hug him with the other. Remus let out a chuckle as they collided in a tight hug as if they hadn't seen each other in forever.

''Hi.'' He muttered against her shoulder as he buried his face into it.

''Hey,'' Jasmine replied and slowly leaned back. ''You still haven't answered my question.''

Remus laughed nervously and looked down at his sparse attire. ''Honestly, I was so nervous I had to step out for fresh air. And also mum was panicking and trying to make everything look perfect and in other words annoying dad and I.''

Jasmine laughed softly. Her eyebrows then scrunched up. ''Why are you nervous? It's me who's meeting your parents.''

''Exactly. I want them to like you. Anyway, I'm sure they will, but still, you know. It's the good nerves.''

Jasmine nodded, knowing exactly what he meant.

Remus leaned closer and pecked her cheek quickly. ''Let's go inside before we freeze.''

Jasmine gladly followed him. The warm atmosphere of the inside hit her face and welcomed her inside. Her inspective eyes looked around the narrow foyer, picking out details. Her mind was washed over completely when she sensed a sweet smell of something baking from somewhere inside the house. Remus woke her from her trance when he offered to take her coat, shaking off all the snow. Jasmine thanked him, placing the box on the nearby shelf for a few seconds. Then Remus grabbed her hand and tugged her along deeper into the house.

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