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Chapter three; Not so peaceful library

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Jasmine's steps neared the library while she was holding some sort of a box in her hands. She had a bit of time between classes and she had to part ways with Robyn as they had different schedules. She hoped she would see someone familiar in there so she had an excuse not to complete her work for Transfiguration. It was due the next day and Jasmine seriously contemplated that being yelled at would be better than an hour of torture to look at some book.

Sometimes she wondered how in the world she was placed in Hufflepuff because the most stereotypical of them is to be very hardworking. Maybe she was from the beginning of her first few years but then the chronicle disease of sleeping on books started. Maybe it's the aspect that counts. She wants to be hardworking at least for her parents, who never seem to be pleased with her no matter how hard she tries.

She let out a quiet sigh of relief at the sight of Lily sitting at one of the tables in the library. The unwanted screech that her chair made as she pulled it out across from where Lily was, didn't just notify the redhead, but a sour glance from Madam Pince was pointed her way as well. Jasmine sat down and replaced her sheepish smile with a happy one. Lily quirked an eyebrow at her before she was presented with the box that Jasmine was previously carrying around.

''What is this?'' Lily asked as she removed the lid carefully. A sweet aroma was the first thing that she noticed and a bunch of small pastries were piled in the box. Lily's smile widened and she raised her eyes to her friend. Without the question being asked Jasmine already answered.

''Pockets filled with pumpkin and dipped in chocolate. For all the times you leave meals uneaten because you storm angrily out of the Great Hall.'' Jasmine hinted teasingly at a few nights ago and Lily showed an embarrassed smile.

Then a load of thank-yous were headed Jasmine's way while the redhead still eyed the box. Jasmine ushered her to try one so she would be certain she didn't mess anything up. Lily bit into one of them and let out a moan of pleasure, but it was quickly covered with a chuckle.

''These are amazing, Jass!'' She tried to keep at the library sound level. ''When did you make it?''

Lily licked her lips as she dug into the box for another one. She considered announcing that that would be her new favourite pastry from now on, even though she already loved everything made by Jasmine. And everything that had a pumpkin taste.

''I found time for it.'' A smirk played on Jasmine's lips.

The closeness of the kitchens to the Hufflepuff house was a massive plus. So she usually used after time for going to the kitchens and occupying her mind with creating cakes, muffins, biscuits anything you name it, she makes it. She doesn't necessarily do it for her own pleasure but she really enjoys looking at her friends who eat what she bakes. The kitchens are busy during the day as elves roam the place constantly, so she's more at calm baking during the night. And she never got complaints from anyone to stop doing it.

''While we're on the topic of time, did you finish your work for Transfiguration?'' Lily closed the lid to the box and put it aside. A fake smile appeared on brunette's face and Lily saw through the poorly executed act. She only knew about the work since it's a class they share, so both had to do it. Lily disapprovingly shook her head.

''Well, then you're doing it now.'' She stood up from her place. ''Pull out your parchment.'' She pointed at the girl before she turned around.

''Wait! Lily!'' Jasmine yelled after her, forgetting the place she was in.

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