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Chapter twenty-six; Threats concerning chocolate

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Jasmine rolled up the sleeves of her white blouse so she could wash her hands under the water. It was another one of those evenings spending time in the kitchens not ready to head off to bed just yet. And this time she wasn't alone. A certain tall, messy-brown-haired boy was leaning on the counter beside her in a pleasant silence. It felt normal for Jasmine to always do something while she was here, to create something new or just revisit old recipes.

While she was concentrating on mixing the ingredients she had no time to check on Remus and after some time it piqued her interest just of why he was so quiet. She stole one glance at him before stopping her actions.

''Will you stop eating all the chocolate?'' She grabbed the edge of the ball, which contained chopped chocolate and slid it closer to her and away from Remus.

''I'm not.'' Remus defended.

But as he spoke his voice was muffled meaning he had a bunch of chocolate already in his mouth. Jasmine slowly shook her head while chuckling at how he tried to cover it up. Her eyes lingered on him a little longer before she glanced at chocolate. Then she glanced back at him and back at her task at hand. She didn't let her thoughts ponder on it for long but she started thinking of a topic for a conversation.

''So you're feeling better then?'' She asked but didn't raise her glance at him. She was hinting at their last encounter when he confessed he felt ill and then she didn't see him anywhere for the next two days.

When she looked at him Remus nodded with a small smile. ''Yeah, I just had to rest for a day and after that I was fine.''

She kept her glance on him as he answered, the smallest of the crease on her eyebrows, wondering why his answer was so vague and weird.

Remus couldn't look at her as he answered, he hated himself for lying to her but he didn't see any other way. Telling her that he had his monthly transformation felt like the worst idea, especially since he had such a good time with Jasmine. He didn't want to ruin it with letting her know his secret because then their friendship would really be over. While their connection stayed as a friendship and nothing more. The thought of something more kept on reappearing inside Remus' head, as well as he couldn't get rid of her in his mind as well.

Them having to hide set a thrilling feeling inside him, they had a secret together, to hide from everyone else. But Remus pushed the other thoughts to the very back of his head denying anything else could happen. He thought he didn't deserve her. He pushed off the counter stepping closer to her, but still to the side.

''What are you making?''

Jasmine hummed a little as she poured the last bit of milk into the batter and smoothing the whole thing out. ''Christmas biscuits to take home for holidays. They don't have a name it's just simple biscuits with chocolate and cinnamon.'' She shrugged.

She felt her heart start beating faster than it was a few seconds ago as she felt his presence behind her. She turned her head slightly noticing he was towering over her just behind her back. Jasmine was wondering what Remus was doing. She didn't complain about his close proximity, which proved as her cheeks sported a rosy tint. In a moment of her being lost in her thoughts, Remus quickly reached over and grabbed another piece of chocolate from the bowl, quickly stuffing it in his mouth.

''Okay, that's enough!'' Jasmine said loudly.

Then happened something Remus least expected. Jasmine turned around abruptly and he didn't have time to back away quick enough. She grabbed his tie pulling him closer and aimed the spoon she was mixing with at his face. Just like she would put her wand as a threat. Her eyes narrowed at Remus' face as his eyes widened in shock.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries [Remus Lupin]Where stories live. Discover now