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Chapter forty-nine; Blood status

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Jasmine didn't care that it was the middle of the day and that almost all the students were in classes. She didn't care that William was in a class as well as she was headed straight there. She hated to admit but anger was overpowering her actions and she had to take a few deep breaths as she speed-walked up and down different hallways. Her space for patience was bound to fill up someday and I guess this day came today. She had enough of William and she could care less if he'll write to her father, she had to get some things off her chest and maybe, she had even so slight hope in her that she may convince him that his tortures were wrong.

She couldn't keep living this way. She couldn't keep being under his control and live this restricted life of pureblood reputation and most of all she was done being scared. As she stood in front of the closed doors she decided she's not going to show fear in front of William again. He had nothing against her, he wasn't in a position that made him able to control her. This was it. She opened the door abruptly and immediately the whole room full of seventh-year students turned around in their seats and stared at her. This year's Dark Art's professor stopped talking as his eyes landed on a heavy breathing Jasmine.

''Apologies Professor,'' Jasmine said, her eyes searching the students until they landed on William, who was sitting beside his friend Tom. ''Can I talk to William? It's a family emergency.'' She said eyes moving back to the professor.

That was the excuse she came up with and thought it was surely bound to work to get William out of class to talk privately. The Professor looked at William and nodded, granting him to leave the classroom. Once Jasmine was sure William is actually going to follow her, she turned around and walked down the hall. She heard his hurrying footsteps and the door of the classroom being shut. She walked without sparing him a glance, making her cousin ever more confused as to what was going on.

When his long legs finally caught up to her he started to speak. ''Family emergency?'' He asked, with a small chuckled wanting to make sure she was joking. Jasmine stayed emotionless and stared forward as they arrived at yet another vast hallway.

''What? Did dad finally divorce that bitch of a mother?''

''Shut up! Just shut up!'' Jasmine turned abruptly and drew her wand aiming it at William's face.

Things were just boiling inside her and she couldn't believe what William just uttered out. She couldn't believe he was speaking so wrongly about her mum. William took a careful step backwards with his hands raised up in defence. His face was washed with shock as this was the last he expected to happen from Jasmine. She breathed deeply as she kept glaring at him, with her lips turned up in a sneer.

William recoiled from his shock as a light smirk again appeared on his face. ''Oh come on now Jazzy–''

''Don't Jazzy me!'' Jasmine shouted back at him her hand not moving even slightly.

William widened his eyes as he glanced from the wand to his cousin and back to the wand. His hand slowly reached behind to get his own wand out of his back pocket but he quickly brought back his empty hand as Jasmine took a step closer to him.

''What did you do? What is your plan?!'' She asked with a threat.

''M-my plan? What? You're not making any sense now Jasmine.'' William replied with his eyebrows scrunched up in a weird way.

''Oh, I'm not making any sense? What about you're not making sense for the past two months acting weird as ever?'' She strongly said back.

William seemingly got lost in his mind for a few moments and had to shake his head to pay attention again. Jasmine scoffed seeing his still not going to speak as he only stared at her kind of helplessly.

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