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Chapter four; After time shenanigans 

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''I am leaving. Do I need to bring back anything from the kitchens?'' Jasmine picked herself up from the bed and straightened her robes. She looked at Robyn particularly, since she was usually the one with special cravings. The brunette was clad in her pyjamas entertaining herself with a muggle game of cards.

She rose her eyes to the lighter brunette and tapped her chin while searching her brain for an answer. ''No, I think tonight I'm good.''

Jasmine nodded satisfied with the answer before she slightly tilted her head to the third girl in that dorm. ''Sophie?''

The blonde also lifted her head from the game and shook her head with a small smile adding a thank you at the end.

Jasmine smiled in return before she bided them goodbye. She exited the dormitory and walked through a tunnel-like passageway to the common room. A few students were still up, chatting on the comfy couches with blankets all over them. A few younger ones that probably shouldn't still be up on a school night smiled and waved at Jasmine and she did too. In her mind, she wanted to point to her watch on her wrist to initiate them to go to bed, but they were too cute looking talking to their own friend groups.

She exited the premises of the Hufflepuff house and successfully made just a few steps from the barrels when she nearly jumped out of her skin. She put her hand over her heart and immediately felt the rapid beating as her widening eyes laid on a Gryffindor.

''Helga, you scared me Lupin.'' She sighed deeply, trying to calm her nerves. ''What are you doing here?'' She asked after she made sure her heart wasn't going to jump out.

''I was a bit early so I thought I'll come to wait for you here.'' He answered with a small shrug to his shoulders.

Jasmine's eyes searched around a bit in confusion. They were supposed to meet in front of the Great Hall because that was their patrol spot tonight, due to the new timetable. She looked down at her watch and actually noticed she was late so now it didn't confuse her anymore why he decided to just walk over to the Hufflepuff's house.

''Shall we then?'' Remus showed with his hand and Jasmine nodded.

Both began walking in the same direction to ascending to the first floor. Remus was leisurely stepping, his hands in the pockets of his pants, while Jasmine had hers behind her back, walking slightly faster to keep up with his long strides. Neither of them wanted to admit but the air felt awkward as any other time. They patrolled in silence and neither could come up with what to say.

Jasmine stole a glance his way and looked at his downwards tilted head as he seemed to watch every step he took. An image appeared in her head of him in the library from a few days ago. He looked just as peaceful and calm as that time, in fact, she thought he always appeared that way. She just looked away when he sensed she was watching him, resulting in her not being caught. Jasmine then viewed the tainted windows, seen in the dimly lit corridor. Finally, a thought popped up in her head of what to say.

''So...'' She started but just to her luck he started the sentence in the exact same way just a second after her. They locked eyes and left out a few nervous chuckles.

''Go ahead.'' Remus offered while he scratched slightly at the back of his neck.

Jasmine nodded and again averted her eyes to the windows. ''So, the weather's a bit gloomy lately, isn't it?''

She grimaced at just how stupid she sounded for talking about the weather. Don't want the moment to be awkward? Yeah, talk about the weather that's just about to do it. She heard a quiet laugh emit from Remus and she snapped her head to him, embarrassment overcame her fully then.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries [Remus Lupin]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara