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Chapter sixty; Wonderland

Just a quick warning for anyone that finds mature scenes triggering, it's not smut but it does get pretty steamy so beware. 

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''Do you think anyone saw us?'' Jasmine giggled as Remus closed the door to his dorm behind him.

He shook his head with a smile. ''Probably not. If they did, we'll come up with some excuse or other.'' He shrugged carelessly.

Jasmine watched him with a smile as he kept leaning with his back to the door, his eyes flickering all over her as well. It felt like an eternity until Jasmine finally glanced away, feeling like her face would burn out from the intense stare that Remus was giving her. She scanned the room with her eyes and turned every way noticing the details. She had been in the boys' dorm once before. It was that time when she found Sirius, James and an injured Remus in the middle of the hallway and helped them getting him up here. She frowned a little at the memory as she wasn't sure if they were in fact lying back then and it was the morning after a full moon, not the Slytherin duel they said they had.

But back then she was so anxious while in this dorm that she didn't have time to take a closer look. Four four-posters were lined up against the walls and each belonged to one of the Marauders as it was seen from far away. One of them had all things Quidditch and if Jasmine wasn't mistaken the broom was actually laying on the bed under the covers. The one opposite that bed had stacks of books at the box at the end of it and it was fairly neat although the rest of the room and floor was littered with clothing and random objects just laying everywhere. The bed next to James' one had posters lined up on the wall next to it, posters of bands that Jasmine undoubtedly knew were Sirius' favourites ones. She also noticed he had a pile of hair ties on his nightstand and she wondered if he always wears his hair tied back as opposed to down to his shoulders through the day. The last bed had nothing special to it, it was mostly occupied by rolls of parchment and different school books.

Remus moved past Jasmine and managed to awake her from her thoughts as he walked to his own four-poster. He moved some of the books off the box at the foot of his bed, the top one being Crime and Punishment. She watched him as he carefully laid all the books to the ground as if they were his most valued possession before she slowly stepped over and sat down on his bed. Even with the dorm's door closed, a bit of music came through as it was probably very loud in the common room. Jasmine just started wondering if anyone down there was asking where she disappeared to when Remus sat down next to her on the bed. She smiled at him before her eyes travelled down and they widened when she saw he was holding two parcels wrapped in brown paper and tied with a red ribbon in his hands.

''Happy birthday, Jass,'' Remus said softly as he observed her reaction.

She opened her mouth in shock and her eyes could barely leave what she imagined would be her gifts from Remus. ''Rem, you shouldn't have.'' She said and placed her hands on the parcels as if wanting to keep them in his hands.

Remus chuckled and moved so he was fully sitting on the bed. Jasmine did the same and crossed her legs underneath her, still staring in shock as Remus gently placed her gifts on the bed between them.

''Come on, just open them.'' Remus beckoned as he couldn't wait to see what she will think of his gift.

Jasmine only slowly recoiled from her shock and she didn't know what to expect. Her eyes flickered from one wrapped box to the other and her hand first reached for the more rectangular one. It was hard on touch and didn't bend in any way so the first thought that flew through Jasmine's mind was that she received a book. Remus immediately noticed the change of emotion on her face and stopped her before she could rip open the wrapping.

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