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Chapter six; The dessert prodigy and her listening skills

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''What in the world are you wearing, Hood?'' Jasmine's mouth was agape.

She leaned forward on the table to take a closer look. Robyn was completely different than usual. Her black sweater was nowhere in sight, her top button on the white shirt unbuttoned. She also wasn't wearing the usual black stockings, or dare say the mandatory black stockings.

''What?'' Robyn shrugged and looked down at herself. ''I would say I look better in it.'' She kept on munching on a piece of toast.

Jasmine looked her over once again before she started picking up her own food. ''I can't deny that, but are you doing this solely for Black?''

Robyn shrugged in return and absentmindedly glanced over to Gryffindor table. Jasmine portrayed a weird expression and slowly shook her head. For the past week, ever since she caught Robyn making out with Sirius Black, it appeared that he was ignoring her. So Robyn decided to take a step further so that he would notice her since she believed that they were meant for each other.

Jasmine let her be and do her own thing, there was no changing Robyn's mind, she only threw an occasional comment here or there. She didn't even want to occupy her mind with the question 'how Robyn could do that' because they clearly had completely different aspects of boys. Not that Jasmine had so much experience in it as Robyn did.

They ate in silence, offering some words left or right to other Hufflepuff classmates. Then the darker brunette stood up, her plate empty, and she muttered ''I'll be right back.''

Jasmine followed her with her eyes and she knew even without the knowledge that the girl was headed to the red table. Jasmine again shook her head upon seeing that even Robyn's skirt rode a bit higher than usual. She arrived just behind Black and tapped his shoulder to notify him she was there. She offered him one of her sweetest smiles and from Jasmine's perspective, it looked like she said hi.

Not only did Black turn around, but Pettigrew did as well and she managed to catch the attention of Potter and Lupin sat opposite their friends. Black rather nonchalantly checked Robyn out, a stupid smile plastered on his face. The other three boys widened their eyes as they watched Robyn talk to Black, each of them scanning her over, with slight blushes across their cheeks.

Jasmine looked down at herself and frowned slightly at her own plain and boring school uniform. She couldn't help but feel especially ordinary and bland always standing beside her beautiful and noticeable friend. She just glanced back at the Gryffindor table to see Robyn leave the stunned boys behind and Lily, who showed a rather disgusted face at the Hufflepuff girl.

It brought a small smile on Jasmine's face, but the next moment left her laughing. A snap sounded throughout the Great hall and Robyn unwillingly took a turn, in which she was wrapped in her black sweater, with black tights and a longer skirt. An embarrassed smile appeared on her face as she looked up at the teacher's table. Dumbledore offered her a stern face and Robyn quickly hurried back to her table. Jasmine was trying to stifle her chuckles as Robyn sat down in front of her again.

''Well?'' Jasmine asked her friend, who looked as though she wanted to disappear from judging eyes of other students.

A second later that question somehow put a smile on her face as she reminded herself of what happened at the Gryffindor table. ''Let's say the extra effort I put in the outfit this morning really paid off.''

Jasmine offered her a flat look. ''You mean to say he agreed to make out with you again.'' She guessed with a strain to her voice.

Robyn scoffed in return. ''You think I have no self-dignity don't you?'' Jasmine shrugged and really tried to keep a smile off of her face. The two of them teased each other all the time so it was hard to not laugh at it.

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