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Chapter ten; Lost memories

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A loud blaring noise sounded throughout the room. It woke Jasmine up just enough that she was aware of the surroundings, though she refused to open her eyes. She then felt shifting right beside her and she figured that a person next to her reached out and shut off the alarm.

Wait... a person?

Jasmine opened her eyes with a weird force, though she had to blink several times to clear her vision, she was met with a seldom messy dorm. The dorm was not hers as the morning sun shone on different parts of it, displaying the colour red. The pieces were slowly coming together but she couldn't remember much from the previous night. The headache didn't help with that either.

A groan wanted to escape her but she rather closed her eyes trying to remember her dreams than concentrating on lost memory. She was nudged at the side and she hummed in response. She was nudged again and that made her turn her head to the left all while still laying on her stomach.

''Morning.'' A voice whispered making Jasmine peek, opening one of her eyes.

Lily was sitting up in the bed next to Jasmine, her red hair in a messy bun, eyes just as tired as they appeared on the brunette. Now a low groan did escape Jasmine as she slowly got used to having her eyes open. Lily put her finger on her lips and motioned to the rest of the room. Jasmine turned around and propped herself on her elbows. Alice, Marlene and Dorcas were all still cuddled into their beds. One was even emitting very quiet snores. Jasmine then rubbed some of the tiredness away from her eyes and looked back at Lily.

''What time is it?'' She asked, her eyes squinting a bit.

Lily leaned over the bed to look at the clock situated on one of the walls. ''It's 7 am.''

Jasmine dropped down flat on her back and reached behind her head. She picked the pillow and put it over her head, sighing deeply. A few minutes passed and Jasmine's eyes started closing again. It wasn't until Lily removed the pillow that she figured that she would have to live through the day with a lack of sleep.

Jasmine sat up beside Lily and offered her a confused expression. ''What happened last night?''

The fact that she ended in Lily's bed didn't weird her out even the slightest. She doubted she could make it back to her own dorm across the whole school. Her mind was fuzzy and the last thing she remembered from last night was dancing with Remus.

Lily showed her thinking face and she scratched at her head. ''Honestly, I have no idea.''

Jasmine chuckled quietly at the confused expression Lily wore. The redhead then chuckled as well, closing her eyes and grabbing her temples with her hands.

''The last thing I remember was seeing you, hugging you, avoiding Potter and I think I talked to Marlene...'' Lily trailed off.

''What was in that punch?'' Jasmine grinned and again emitted into chuckles.

Lily had to shush her but she barely contained her laughter as well. The two held their stomachs, quietly cackling while both steadying on the bed, not wanting to fall off it. After a minute Lily picked herself up from the bed and threw a jumper, which was forgotten at the foot of the bed, to Jasmine. The girl caught it her eyebrows indicating confusion.

''We're actually late for morning patrol.'' Lily situated her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrows at Jasmine.

The said girl frowned as she gripped tightly on her jumper. Lily motioned with her hands as though she wanted to clap, but she didn't want to wake up her dorm mates. ''Chop, chop!'' She whisper-yelled and then turned around to head to the bathroom.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries [Remus Lupin]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant