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Chapter five; My life is not a soap opera

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The temperatures were gradually dropping from day to day as time drifted more away from summer to cold autumn. Rooms inside the school were nicely warm in contrast to the outside. It was no wonder why Jasmine refused to any idea of a calm walk outside but eventually due to Robyn's persuasiveness she had to give up. This was not the case currently though as Jasmine had to fulfil her duties, which were again to her dismay early in the morning. This time she was assigned to watch over the library since Madame Pince only supervised it after breakfast time.

The library was completely empty and utterly quiet. The students were allowed to be there early and that is why it had to be looked over by one of the prefects. Jasmine was nestled in the comfy armchair at the far end, where she had a clear view of the study tables. Her legs were hanging off of one side of the chair as she leaned her head sideways on the cushion.

She stared out of the nearby window since no students were present to be looked over. A few droplets of water trickled down the glass and Jasmine hugged her arms closer to herself, a shudder wanted to escape her even thinking of the windy weather outside. Her eyes were droopy and she had to scan the room a couple of times otherwise she could fall asleep right then and there.

Then the entrance door could be heard being opened and closed. Jasmine sat up and prepared to greet whoever decided to enter the room. Her posture soon slumped as the person was the last she expected to be. He hadn't noticed her yet so she moved her eyes away from him and acted like she had no idea he came in. The calm only lasted a couple more moments before his voice called her.

''Good morning, Jazzy.'' His voice sickly sweet.

Her eyes closed momentarily as she inhaled deeply. Then she slowly turned her head, her face expressionless as she laid eyes on William. She smiled, but it was so fake anyone could see it.

''A greet back would be nicer than that.'' William pointed to her face his own smile dropping, being replaced by a menacing glance.

Jasmine rolled her eyes and stood up, facing away from him and she slowly strode away. In her mind a conflict was playing over and over as she wanted to utter something out she just couldn't find words to go about it. A letter also appeared in her head as she remembered the threatening words that were written for her specifically.

She successfully made a few steps away when his voice made her stop in her tracks. ''If you act this rude to me for even a little while longer, I am going to...''

''What!?'' She shouted back and abruptly turned around to face William. They were a few steps apart and Jasmine was glad the library was empty so she could openly express her frustration with as loud voice as she wanted.

''What are you going to do? Write to them again? Make up more filthy lies about me?'' Her hands were flailing, her posture leaned forward as she stared daggers into William.

On the other hand, he acted calmly. His hands were still in the pockets of his trousers, his back straight and his head held high. He then raised one of his hands and snapped his fingers, which made a piece of parchment and a self-writing quill to appear.

He took a deep breath and started speaking. ''Jazzy screamed at Will. Will now sad.''

The quill wrote down exactly what he said in two lines. Will checked over the paper before the corners of his mouth quirked upward and he glanced back Jasmine. She was heaving angrily, her fists clenched tightly at her sides. William only raised his eyebrows, indicating for her to say some more.

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