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Chapter thirty-three; Lily's date

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Jasmine furrowed her eyebrows. ''On a date with who?'' She asked hugging a warm cup of tea with her hands.

Lily rolled her eyes as she thought that Jasmine was listening to her. It was one rare time that she actually didn't as she was too engrossed with her own thoughts. ''Potter.'' The redhead answered in a whisper sort of way as if she was telling the secret.

Jasmine noticed her sudden change of demeanour of the topic. Instead of being annoyed Lily was suddenly very confused and sort of positively anxious. Jasmine raised her eyebrows as she smiled smugly at her friend across from the table. Then her mind reverted back to a specific train ride.

''Do you want to do this just because Robyn provoked you?'' One of her eyebrows was quirked up in question.

Lily shot her a flat look and stopped chewing her food. ''No.'' She said matter-of-factly and dragged it out a bit. ''I've just been thinking. Maybe he'll stop after that you know. Stop trying every waking moment to go out with me. And I could use some peace.'' She shrugged and went back to her food.

Jasmine's eyes looked away from Lily just as a group passed them down the Great Hall. She noticed how James was in the middle of his team but his head was turned to the girls and he was smiling at Lily. The redhead of course hadn't noticed.

''Has he asked you out?'' Jasmine asked turning her attention back to her friend.

''He asks me out three times a day, but I doubt that half the time he means it seriously. Actually ever since the Christmas holidays, he didn't at all.'' Lily made a weird expression thinking about it.

''Well you want him to stop annoying you, what has you hesitating then?'' Jasmine wanted to make clear of the whole point why they were having this particular conversation.

Lily sighed across from her and looked down at her hands. She indicated that this made her frustrated and Jasmine wanted nothing more than to help her. ''The only thing on my mind was how I'll be able to breathe after I go out with him and not the actual date. I don't know what to expect in a date with Potter, I've never been on a date before.'' She frowned and shrugged at the same time.

Jasmine finally understood what was making her anxious. Even though it was Potter they were talking about it was still a date and she'll have to go through several hours of it. It was better to get it over as quickly as possible, at least that was Lily's thinking. And Jasmine guessed it would be something like that so she proposed a plan.

''Tell you what.'' She leaned on her forehands on the table capturing Lily's attention. ''If Gryffindor wins today, you go down there and ask him out to Hogsmeade this weekend.''

Lily scrunched up her eyebrows a little. ''But we were supposed to go to Hogsmeade together.'' She whined a bit.

Jasmine looked pointedly at her and Lily quickly shut her mouth. She was right, better now than later and if Gryffindor actually wins Potter will have a double surprise. Maybe that will make him nicer and not so arrogant, but who knows. Lily started biting her nails as she imagined in her head how she's going to ask him.

''What about if Hufflepuff wins?'' Lily asked now more intrigued by the conversation.

Jasmine hadn't thought about that. ''Well, if I made a bet for you it's only fair you do the same for me.'' Her smile dropped as her brain registered what she just said.

She let out a low groan and dropped her head into her hands while Lily laughed on the other end of the table. Jasmine looked through her fingers with a bit of fear when she saw Lily wearing a thinking face and looking around.

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