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Liam and Niall discussed the best plan of action for Louis, relieved he was okay from the earlier scare he had given them, hearing him laugh while playing with 'Hazzy' and Zayn in the living room. 

They'd all been worried the stress of it would pull him out of his headspace, but if anything he seemed more regressed than before, with Niall struggling to understand what he was trying to say earlier, and the stumbled walk to Liam after he'd apparently been used to being carried everywhere. 

"You really think it'd be a good idea? Even after the supermarket issues we had with him?" Liam asked hesitantly. 

"Definitely! You should have seen him Li, he was so upset that he wouldn't be on Santa's good list again, and its different now, he's a lot more secure in his headspace. Whats the worst that could happen?" Niall told Liam passionately. After seeing Louis' upset earlier, Niall was convinced that taking Louis to see a Santa would really help him over his guilt, and his worry that he wasn't good enough. 

"I guess, but you've got to get  Zayn and Harry to agree to this!" Liam told Niall firmly, making Niall groan. They all knew what Harry thought of the shopping mall Santa's after an ... incident ...  a few years back. 

"You wouldn't help little old me convince them? Even if I turned off golf early one night?" Niall pleaded, as Liam rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he resisted Niall's puppy dog eyes. 


"Wow. I mean I would have expected this from maybe Zayn, but you Liam? I am wounded." 

Liam ignored Niall's attempts for help, walking into the living room to spend time with his precious little baby, wanting to check for himself he was completely okay after earlier. That way Niall could fill Harry and Zayn in, while also attempting to convince them to take Louis to go see Santa.  

Liam walked in to the adroable sight of Louis sat on Harry's lap, playing peek-a-boo with Zayn. He seemed a lot younger than what they had anticipated to enjoy such a young game like this, and Liam knew they would need to get him some more age-approproate games. 

Any excuse to spoil their little boy! 

"Are you having fun sweetie?" Liam cooed to the giggly boy, trying not to grimace when he sucked his thumb and reached his hands straight out for Liam. They really needed to get him into the habit of using a pacifier more, maybe getting him one of those clips? 

Liam was broken from his thoughts when he heard a small whine coming from Louis, as Liam moved too slowly for his liking apparently. 

"Silly boy, come here gorgeous!" Liam smiled, resting the boy on his hip as he carried him over to the kitchen.

"So it's nearly Christmas and you know what that means right Lou?" Liam asked excitedly.

"What daddy!" Louis asked, grinning at Liams excitement.

"Time to make a gingerbread house of course!" Liam says, spinning Louis round, making him laugh and squeal.

"Can I paint pink daddy?An... And bwue? " Louis asked breathlessly when Liam finally stopped twirling him round, the poor boy getting dizzy.

"You can do pink and blue icing sure baby, and I bought some sprinkles, and jellybeans to make it look super cool!" Liam told the enthusiastic boy who was wriggling excitedly on his hip.

Liam put him down in response, worried about dropping him!

"Okay, the kitchen can be dangerous so you have to listen to daddy now, okay Lou?" Liam told him, bending down slightly to his height.

Louis smiled and nodded enthusiastically, saying,

"I listen daddy!"

"I know you will sweetie, you're such a good listener! Okay, only touch what daddy tells you to, no running, and don't leave daddys side yeah?"

Louis grinned, unable to contain his excitement and promised he would be good.

"Now, I'm probably not as good at this as Harry, but we'll give it a shot!"

For the next hour or so Liam and Louis bonded over making gingerbread and shouting at Niall to stop eating the icing and jelly beans.

Zayn, Harry and Niall finished up in the living room, and then started to wrap some of Louis' birthday and Christmas presents knowing he was occupied with Liam.

It was Louis' first Christmas with them, and they couldn't be more excited.


Day off today, so hopefully another few updates, try and get Christmas done sometime before ... Next Christmas 😂

Hope everyone's well, and have a Happy New Year!

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now