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Harry's POV:

"I know sweetie, don't cry, he'll be right back angel" I cooed, as Louis face crumpled. He looked so upset, my poor baby.

It was late afternoon by now, and Louis had just woken from a much needed nap to find Liam and Zayn weren't here. With how clingy he'd been to Zayn all day, I wasn't surprised he was upset, me and Niall were just trying to distract him until they came back.

Lou had gotten steadily worse over the day, an unimaginable amount of diapers had been used, and he was still refusing to eat or drink anything, having been immediately sick last time we'd tried.

Li and Zayn had gone to fill a prescription from the doctors for him, which was apparently very little friendly. Though the doctor had seemed a bit weird about it, not giving us many details. I was just praying it wouldn't make him any worse, or have any side effects.

I turned on some cartoons, ae Louis snuggled into my side, sniffling slightly.

Niall went to fetch his bear Buttons, which Louis cuddled gratefully when he passed it to him.

I know he was sick, but it was really quite peaceful, the fireplace on, blankets and cushions everywhere, and a soft warm Louis cuddled between me and Niall.

He seemed to be enjoying the cartoons, as we'd decided on a much younger Mickey mouse series. He was so young in his headspace we didn't want anything to jolt him out. As daddy doms we knew how upsetting that could be for him, especially while he was sick.

"Um Haz? Your shirt?" Niall voiced quietly, pointing to the front of my shirt.

"Oh I know, do you like it! And look, a purple dinosaur lace trim, I couldn't resist!" I grinned, glad he was finally appreciating my sense of fashion. Though Niall usually was, aside from myself of course, one of the better dressed.

"Why would you even ... You know what never mind!" Niall laughed. "Look though." He told me, gesturing towards my shirt, where Louis was resting his head.

Except he wasn't only resting his head, he'd started chewing or sucking on my shirt, and how I hadn't noticed was beyond me, seeing as it was especially close to my nipple ... to my third nipple.

"Oh um, are you thirsty now sweetheart?" I asked him gently, seeing as it looked as though he'd let his dummy fall out.

He looked up at me and frowned, as I gently tugged my shirt, now in desperate need of a wash, out of his mouth.

I replaced it quickly with the nib of the bottle, except he shook his head and started to fuss again.

Niall frowned at Louis' reluctance, before passing me a clean pacifier to give to him.

I popped it into his mouth, which he accepted easily, as he rolled himself over, until he was straddling my thighs, big blue eyes peering up at me.

"Hey cheeky boy, what are you doing?" I cooed, as he smiled, prodding my cheek with his finger.

"Are you poking daddy cheeky?" I gasped, tickling his sides softly as he squealed around his dummy.

"No daddy!" He laughed, flopping himself back onto the couch, Niall catching him before he fell.

I carried on tickling him, very slowly though, making sure he didn't get too worked up, as he continued to laugh and wriggle around.

"Oh is somebody feeling better?" I heard Liam ask from the doorway, kicking off his shoes into the hallway as Zayn walked in with a few shopping bags.

"Daddy make him stop!" Louis giggled, trying to roll himself off the couch.

Liam swooped in to pick him up, peppering kisses over his face, and giving him an Eskimo kiss.

"Erm Ni, Haz, kitchen? Like now?" Zayn asked, as Liam played with Louis on the couch.

"Okay?" Niall replied, looking as confused as I felt, but following him into the kitchen nonetheless.


Twenty minutes later and I was sure wishing I hadn't!

Firstly why couldn't Niall do it, and secondly why was this a recommended prescription?

The doctor had recommended a ... pill ... for one of his caregivers to take. Apparently it wasn't uncommon, and to be fair I had heard of some daddy doms taking it before, but the thought of it kinda freaked me out.

I guess the closeness would be good? But really, breastfeeding, wouldn't that hurt? And I was cringing at the thought of it.

Zayn couldn't take it, because of his smoking, and Liam couldn't, because of his bad kidney, so me and Ni had flipped for it.

I loved Lou though, and if this is what it takes to make him feel better, then sure, of course I'll do it, even if I was a little hesitant.

I took the pills, ignoring the way Niall was trying not to laugh at me, just praying there wouldn't be any issues, and that Louis would actually take to it.

I'd spoken to the doctor myself, a few hours after taking the pills, to see the best way to approach it. And I'd already told him there was no way I was actually going to go ahead and ask Louis to drink it and thankfully he'd agreed, saying it needed to be more natural.

I'd asked the others to leave, knowing I'd just start laughing otherwise. They reluctantly agreed, Liam telling me he'd be outside if I needed anything, for moral support apparently.

It wasn't actually as bad as I thought, the ... process.

I just turned on some cartoons, took off my shirt, and cuddled him close until he started suckling, like earlier.

I'd already ... tested ... the effectiveness of the pills with Zayn earlier, for purely medicinal purposes to check they were working.

Louis didn't move once he'd started, except for one little fist clenching and unclenching on my jeans, which was absolutely adorable.

He fell asleep once he'd finished, out like a light, and I was so thankful he was finally getting something into his system. After having been so ill and not eaten or had a drink all day we were all getting worried about him.

The others all thanked me, as they should! And Louis was put to bed, where he'd hopefully sleep through for the night.

I told them I'd do it again if necessary, but not any time soon, as I was really sensitive, and the doctor had told me it might take a few days for the swelling to go down.

I didn't know whether to hit Liam or kiss him when he handed me a 'support system'.

Also known as a pink bra.

And sure I was throughly embarrassed at what had happened, but at the end of the day, we all knew anything that could be done for Louis, we would do.

Not really a fan of this chapter but at the point where its been so long I just needed something published!!

Thanks for all your support, votes and comments - which I love reading!

Shout out to LillianBogart for the prompt.

Might wrap this book up soon, but I was thinking of either a book 2 on tour, or a new book with ABO dynamics or another little book, haven't really decided yet, let me know what you think!

Hope everyone's okay, stay safe :)

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now