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Zayns POV:

"How could one day out cause this much mess!" Niall groaned, hauling yet another bag out of the car.

Although it hadn't been too late when we'd gotten back last night, we were all pretty tired, and had the brilliant idea of leaving everything until the next day to sort out.

Which would have been fine, had Liam and Harry not been stuck in impromptu meetings most of the day. The car, and now house, was absolutely full of sand and shells that Louis refused to part with.

I gave in after about five minutes of cleaning, and asked Paul to come over and babysit, knowing Liam would have a fit if the house was still this bad when he and Harry got back.

Paul, the angel that he is, obviously agreed immediately, and was currently entertaining Louis in the play room with his precious shells and a brand new lego set.

It worked quite well, as it gave Louis and Paul chance to get to know each other a little better before leaving. We wanted Lou as comfortable with him as possible so he wouldn't be scared while we were on stage or in rehearsals. Also me and Niall still hadn't finished our packing, the job definitely next on the list seeing as we were leaving first thing tomorrow.

All the food was being donated to the food bank, which the house sitter was taking care of the next day. We didn't usually hire a cleaner or a sitter, I don't see the point, but as we're leaving for such a long time, Liam figured it would probably be best.

Besides, who else would water Harry's favourite plants!

"Oh for goodness sake!" I heard Niall yell from the hallway, watching him storm out into the living room.

"What have you done?"

"The bloody bag broke when I picked it up, there's sand everywhere!" Niall fumed, swiping up the dustpan and brush angrily.

"Damnit!" He yelled, when the handle of the brush snapped, spreading the mess everywhere.

"Ni, babe, come here! Just calm down love yeah?" I told him, knowing he rarely got this stressed.

"I'm so bloody sick of this Zayn!"

"Of what?" I asked cautiously, glancing to the staircase to check Louis and Paul weren't hearing this. I didn't really know what was going on with him, just that they did not need to hear this.

"Just ... Never mind, forget I said anything yeah?" Niall told me, deflated, all his previous anger seeming to evaporate.

"Uh uh, no way, get over here." I grabbed his arm, pulling him away from the living room and in for a hug.

He melted into the hug, and I felt all the tension leave him, as he dropped the dustpan, mess long forgotten, and returned my hug.

"You alright now babe?" I asked him after a few minutes, to which he sighed heavily, nodding.

"Yeah, sorry about, erm, that. I don't know what came over me." He replied, embarrassed.

"Wanna cuddle on the couch for a bit, tell me what's up?" I asked, glad when he agreed.

I wrapped us both up in the thick throw on the back of the couch, propping myself up with some pillows. It reminded me closely of when me and Lou had been down here, when he was sick a while back.

"It's just, the stress of touring yeah? And I don't know, I kinda panicked last time, in that airport with all the press?" He mumbled, before continuing, letting off some steam.

"And trying to balance this with Louis, and the new management contract, and I feel like we're just ... drifting
... A bit?" He continued, turning round, looking at my shocked expression.

I loved the lads to bits! And maybe we hadn't had as many date nights and such since Louis arriving, but I didn't think it had affected us that much. I was clearly wrong, looking at Niall's upset expression.

How could I not have noticed before?

"Niall, its me, you know you can tell me ... us ... anything!"

"I know, but I don't want to come across as the needy one you know? But it's different sometimes, you all have your families fairly near, and I just have a harder time with making friends and shit, you know? I'm always the first one to be slated in the press, in meetings, its just getting to me." He told me honestly, and maybe I felt like he was exaggerating a bit, but if this is how he felt, I'd help the best I could.

"Ni, maybe I don't always get it, but you can always talk to me yeah, just give me a good slap if I'm not paying you attention!" I smirked, making him snort out a laugh.

"I've missed time with you too by the way," I continued, "We'll have to try squeeze in some more date time, but realistically, it's gonna be hard in the next few weeks." I told him honestly, as he sighed.

"I know, I know, I just miss you all yeah?"

I kissed him passionately, quickly turning into a full on makeout session.

I pulled away a few minutes later, when things got a little more heated. We were on the couch in the middle of the living room after all, with Paul or Louis likely to walk in any second.

"I tell you what Ni, give me a hand cleaning up the rest of this quickly and we'll go upstairs, put packing on hold for an hour?" I suggested, loving the grin that lit up his face.

Ten minutes later downstairs was, sort of clean, Paul had been bribed to take Louis to the park, and the bedroom door was locked.

Yep, this was definitely what Niall needed.


Don't even ask how that escalated! 😂

I figured we needed a Ziall chapter, we haven't had much between just the guys lately.

Probably just a chapter or two and the epilogue left now, hope everyone's okay!

Also, as a few people have been asking, I'll start accepting prompts for the next book if you want to PM me or comment. I probably won't be able to answer all of them, but I'll defo credit you if I end up using one!


Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now