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Liams POV:

"Niall stop eating all the snacks, we're going to be late!"

"Harry, for the last time, I am not letting you take all seventy-four of your shirts. And Zayn you can't actually be serious about taking an extra suitcase for your hair products? I mean be reasonable!"

Louis was the only one, surprisingly, who wasn't making me want to curl up in a ball under the bed. Probably because he was still asleep.

I think the stress of going on tour was getting to me.

It wasn't like when we were younger, the four of us in a different country every few days, we were getting on a bit, and we had Louis now.

We couldn't just up and go on tour like normal, we'd spent months making adjustments to the hotels, the tour bus, the schedules, the list went on!

Being fully responsible for another person, for Louis, a little so dependent on structure, was a difficult thing to combine with a touring schedule.

Speaking of, we were now leaving for our first plane to New York and my imbecile boyfriends were making us late already, they were worse than Louis!

"You know what, I'm done! Take whatever you want but if you think for one damn second-" I started, when the living room door burst open, our security guard, Paul, stood there grinning.

"Oh Liam, we've not even left yet and you're already all frazzled! What have you lot been doing to the poor guy?"


"We've missed you man!"

"You saw me yesterday." He deadpanned.

"I thought we were meeting at the airport?" I asked, opening my travel bag, and checking we all had our passports and tickets ready.

"Well slight change of plans, turns out I'll be your chauffeur too, seeing as the fans have been camping out at the airport since last night."


"Paul will you help me pack up the car then? And Li if you want to get Louis up?" Niall directed, pretty much taking over my job.

Not that I minded, I hadn't had much quality time with Louis the last few days. Though you probably couldn't class me waking him up at five in the morning as quality time together.

I dodged the pile of suitcases in the hallway and made it up to Louis' nursery. It was half empty now, most of his clothes and toys packed, just the bare essentials left.

"Good morning baby!", I whispered, rocking him gently as I unwrapped the blanket from him. Harry had swaddled him last night, as he seemed very little, much more than usual, and it had definitely worked.

I hadn't heard a peep from him all night, and he was still out of it as I changed him and got him dressed.

"You're okay, daddy's just going to change you sweetie" I soothed, as he whined slightly when I put a new diaper on him and took off his onesie.

I didn't bother trying to wake him up properly for a bottle, he'd go straight back to sleep in a minute, and I could feed him on the plane.

Picking him up, his head dropped straight onto my shoulder, legs instinctively wrapping round me as he made himself comfy.

I loved how cuddly and warm he was in a morning, always slow to wake up properly. He was like a little koala, practically asleep by the time I made it back downstairs.

I kissed him on the top of his head, giving a grateful smile to Paul who took him from me, offering to get him settled in the car as we grabbed the last of our things.

It was weird leaving again. It had been so long, and somehow felt like only a little while since the last tour.

We didn't know of any other bands who'd toured with a little, but we figured with four of us, and Paul, we'd be able to make it work. Sure it'd be hard at times, but the world was very accepting of littles now, and of our relationship, so what could really go wrong? It'd be good for Louis too, get him used to some new environments, and introduce him properly to our world.

"Ready Li?" Harry asked me, passing me my bag.

"Yep. I'm ready."


Intro for the new books up! Thank you all :)

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