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It had been several days since Louis' upset, and he had remained in his headspace ever since, except for a visit from the doctor.

Liam had immediately phoned their doctor, who had visited Louis later in the day. The doctor, little friendly of course, observed Louis both in and out headspace, diagnosing him with PTSD.

He'd spoken to Louis out of his headspace, with his daddies present of course, and Louis spoke a little more in detail about what had happened.

It was difficult for him to explain and to relive his past, but after a difficult yet much needed talk, the doctor had confirmed he'd had a flashback, triggered by seeing himself bleeding.

Louis' troubling past would stay with him, and the boys, for the rest of his life. The main thing they could do was ensure he felt comfortable and safe. In his headspace he could at least, most of the time, live the childhood he deserved, and should have had.

There wasn't much that could be done, other than some anxiety medication which they were giving him in his morning bottle. Louis just needed his daddies, to feel safe and secure.

Liam suggested a day out before their tour, they started promo work in the next few days, so a bit of a break was just what they all needed.

Niall and Zayn had spent one afternoon, a while back, making a bucket list for Louis, for all the things they knew he'd missed out on.

It was mainly standard things - the beach, the zoo, and Disney World of course, were included.

The plan was to knock one of the main three off their list, and what better than a day at the beach, enjoying the sun before they left.


Zayn was chosen, through an intense game of rock, paper, scissors, to wake up Louis the following morning.

Liam had argued he was too busy packing everything, and Harry had breakfast to make.

Normally they loved getting him up and ready for the day, seeing him wake up, his sleepy face, and their morning cuddles.

Today was a different story though, as it was going to be a rush to leave, and it was only five in the morning. Plus, everyone knew just how grumpy Louis could be in the morning - like Zayn, he really wasn't a morning person.

He whined as Zayn plucked him out of the crib, reaching an arm out blindly, clearly wanting to go back to sleep.

"Oh I know I know, I'm just so evil aren't I, my poor baby." Zayn cooed, as he carried Louis over to the changing table.

"Aren't you excited for your fun day at the seaside with your daddies?" Zayn asked, yawning, as he reached under the table for the set of clothes they'd laid out the night before.

Louis was in an especially little headspace this morning though, and started crying as soon as he couldn't see his daddy - tired, cold, and now upset.

Niall walked in, having heard the noise, his hair stuck up in every direction, pajamas crumpled.

"What are you doing to him Z?" Niall yawned, greeting Louis with a kiss to his head, brushing the hair out of his eyes.

"I was trying to get him changed, I'm not sure why he started crying, maybe he's just hungry?" Zayn suggested, clearly very irritable this morning.

Niall helped Zayn clean him up, getting him ready for the day. It was easier for sure with two of them, as Louis definitely wasn't making it easy for them.

He was very upset, and not cooperating as usual. Seeing him this fussy though, it was just a drop in the ocean compared to how bad they were expecting he would be on tour, with a completely new schedule and environment every day.

Paul had been trying to set up different options for them for setting some form of a schedule, but so far they weren't having much luck. A completely revamped tour bus and private jet was on the cards though, designed to meet Louis' needs as best they could. It was still fairly up in the air, but would hopefully be sorted in the next few days.

Louis had finally calmed down though, after his tearful start. He didn't do well with new changes, the boys had clearly figured out, but a big cuddle from Niall had certainly helped.

Zayn had retreated to his room, to get himself ready, as Niall kept Louis occupied, washing his face and feeding him his morning bottle.

They'd both picked up on his younger headspace, seeing as he had yet to speak, and was much more uncoordinated than usual, rolling around without seeming to care about his surroundings - something that had nearly given Zayn a heart attack when he was close to the edge of the change table!

Niall was keeping a close eye on him now though, just to be sure, feeding him his bottle in the rocking chair, as Louis started to fall back to sleep.

He figured it wasn't the worst thing as it'd probably take a few hours to get to the beach, and surely a car ride with Louis sleeping would be much easier? Though Liam would surely lecture him about sleeping schedules later ...

"You going back to sleep baby?" Niall cooed as his eyes started to close again.

Niall continued to talk to him, knowing how much the little one loved to listen to his daddies.

"You'll need your energy later baby, such a busy day planned for a little boy! But don't worry darling, you'll have such a fun day!"

Louis cuddled further into Niall's chest, his toes curling inside his socks as he suckled on the bottle. He looked so innocent, and so relaxed, putting himself as close to Niall as humanly possible, wanting the warmth and security his daddy provided.

It wasn't long until he fell back to sleep, empty bottle discarded as Niall looked around for a spare dummy.

He settled the boy in the rocking chair without him, wrapping a blanket around him and placing a pillow under his head. There was no need to place him in his crib, as they'd be putting him in the car seat in a few minutes anyways.

Niall crept out of the room quietly, not wanting to wake him up, before rushing to get himself ready, very aware he was most likely the only one still in pajamas.

It didn't take him long to dress though, in black shorts and a vibrant green t-shirt, running a hand through his hair and calling it a day. Zayn would probably fix it for him in the car anyway, just as he usually did!

As he'd guessed, the others were downstairs waiting for him, Liam and Zayn having just finished loading the car as Harry went to fetch Louis.

By some miracle he didn't wake up on the trip down the flight of stairs, or as he was strapped into his car seat.

They had quite a few car seats for Louis, and were taking two just in case, the longer one which he was already in, that he could practically lay down in, ideal for long naps, and a standard booster car seat for his slightly older headspace.

They were nothing if not prepared!

And on that note, they locked up and set off for their day at the beach, their last little day of normalcy, as normal as they could get at least, before the craziness began again.


Just a few chapters left now! Couldn't really end this one, so bit of a random old ending, just wanted something posted! Hope everyone's alright, stay safe :)

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