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Niall's POV:

"Oh look at you precious little boy!"

Liam was helping me get Lou ready for bed, the little lad absolutely exhausted from the excitement from the last two days, and the cuddles after dinner sending him half to sleep.

Liam had changed him then swaddled the boy in one of his new blankets. He looked absolutely adorable, flushed cheeks, eyes drooping and slowly sucking on his dummy.

He looked the picture of happiness, relaxed and happy, which was all we'd hoped for him for his first holiday with us.

"Did you have a good Christmas sweetie?" I asked him, and he simply looked towards me blinking, bless him.

I didn't bother with giving him a bottle, knowing the dinner was definitely enough to fill his tummy. Laying him down in his crib, he was out in seconds, and I smiled at Liam standing the other side of the crib, stretching over to give him a kiss.

I grabbed the monitor and gently shut the door behind me and Liam, not wanting to wake him up, knowing we'd definitely be loud downstairs!

Harry and Zayn had already pretty much set up by the time we were downstairs, somehow forgetting the snacks, which I volunteered to grab. It looked really cosy, and while we'd obviously enjoyed celebrating with Louis all day, I'd found it really weird. It was one of my first Christmases without my family, and I knew it was the same for the others.

We still thought it best to wait though, until probably after New Years, when Louis had settled in properly and could meet all our parents. Especially seeing as we all had fairly big families!

My crappy wrapping was clear as the rest of the presents were dragged out, but not anywhere near as badly as Harry, who had clearly given up with it, sellotape everywhere!

"Me first!" Zayn exclaimed, throwing everyone a present, as Liam laughed at his childishness.

I don't know why we'd waited to open most of it until later, Liam was kind of weird about traditions though, and if this kept him happy then who was I to complain!

It was always a struggle to buy each other different things around this time of year, having to coordinate four peoples presents! We'd done a fairly good job this year though, aside from the prank gifts, but what else can be expected from four lads. And I adored the way they'd coordinated all their presents for me - golfing sets, a bike, and new gear for both.

It didn't take as long as this morning thankfully to open presents, and tidy up, seeing as we didn't have a hyperactive little to entertain at the same time. It was lovely just to be with each other, chilling out and having a few drinks like old times, reminded me of the X-Factor days, before our lives were overrun with tours, expectations and the media. I knew the others felt the same, and I dreaded to think what would happen when we had to go back on tour, with Louis in tow.

Not wanting to think of that, and ruin the evening, we all helped Li tidy up before collapsing on the couch, turning on some old sit coms for a bit of background noise.

I chatted to the guys well into the early morning, one of us running up to check on Louis every hour or so. Harry had bought us all cards against humanity, where the loser had to drink, which, combined with a game of strip poker was a definite hit.

And if Christmas ended with a little bit ... playfully ... nobody had to know.

Finally up! Thanks for being so patient :)

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