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Niall's POV:

"Lou, wake up sweetie" I murmured, rubbing Louis' back as he started to stir.

He whined quietly as I peeled the covers back, shoving his head into the pillow and curling up into a ball.

"Aw baby boy, don't you want to wake up and have some dinner?" 

How was he not hungry, he'd even slept through lunch! Crazy boy. 

He was so adorable when he had just woken up though, his cheeks all pink and warm and his fluffy hair pointing in every direction - he looked as cute as a button. 

I couldn't believe the little argument I'd had with him earlier, I mean how could I not have realised he was so close to slipping? It seems so obvious now thinking about it, but at the time I just saw red, he seemed fine, and just  getting on my nerves so much I'd actually yelled at him. Lou seemed to forgive me pretty much instantly though, and it was still a learning curve! The stress of the impending tour and contract changes getting to me I supposed. Plus his sickness hadn't been too easy, and with him randomly falling out of his headspace, he'd been all over the place mentally - it had been a minefield!

"Daddy!" Louis whined, rolling over to face me, breaking me from my little pity party - who had time for that when there was a cutie pie to look after? 

He looked half asleep still, absolutely worn out, my little love. He yawned, letting out an adorable little squeak as he did, his arms flopping down next to him as his big blue eyes peered up at me. 

"Aw sweetie, come here darling! You know daddy's sorry for earlier right? Maybe daddy needs a time out huh?" I rambled slightly, before realising he was looking at me without a care in the world, and probably wasn't comprehending a word of what I was saying.

"I'll make it up to you angel, I promise." I whispered, kissing his forehead as I picked him up from his crib. 

He puckered his lips as I moved away from him and I laughed slightly, pecking his cheeks again as he smiled up at me.

I loved the innocence that showed in him when he was in his headspace, looking at me with such trust, and knowing that we were the ones he placed his trust in, well it was almost overwhelming, having such a precious angel to look after.

Speaking of, said angel currently needed a change and a cuddle.

"No daddy!" Louis whined as I placed him on the changing table, his arms reaching back up for me, wiggling his little fingers in hopes I'd pick him back up.

Louis squealed as I pretended to eat his fingers, his impending tantrum quickly avoided.

One point Niall, zero for Louis!

Well actually about a hundred for Louis, purely based on his cuteness.

I distracted him with tickles and raspberries as I slid the wet diaper out from under him, carefully wiping him down which he wiggled away from.

He was always fussy during changes, but I noticed he had a bit of a rash on him, so I obviously doused it in cream and powder, before lifting his legs up and placing him down on a fresh nappy.

Ah well, at least he would smell all cute of baby powder.

"And is my happy baby all ready to go see the rest of his daddies?"

He stuck his thumb in his mouth and looked up at me smiling, which I took as a yes. He looked so much more peaceful than earlier, and I was hoping he'd stay little for a while, I knew the lads were wanting to try introduce him to the security team when he was little. I wasn't convinced it was a good idea, but I'd been outvoted! Plus he did need to be at least comfortable enough for them to keep an eye on him when we were touring. There were so many changes we'd have to make, and I wanted him little as much as possible, to try make it less stressful for him.

We would have to see how it goes, introduce him to the idea both little and to big Lou, make sure he fully understood before we started.

He was also long overdue to meet our families, and to have a playdate with some other littles in the community before life got crazy again.

There just weren't enough hours to do everything we wanted with him before tour!

If we could only turn back time ...

Random old ending but what can you do! Defo think I'll do the book 2 on tour, think I'm nearly done with this one now, just got a few more ideas and prompts left to work through.

Bit of a filler but hopefully was okay, hope everyone's alright, stay safe :)

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