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"NO! No please!"

The boys were woken to screams coming through the baby monitor in their room, Louis sounding absolutely terrified.

Harry and Liam, sleeping on the ends of the bed, were the first out towards the nursery. Zayn and Niall stayed in bed, knowing there was no point in all four of them trying to calm him down, he sounded scared and didn't need to be crowded.

Harry and Liam rushed into the nursery, to see Louis crying in the corner of his crib, his blanket twisted and wrapped around him as he sobbed into it. He was murmuring something into it, but they couldn't make out what he was trying to say because of how loud his cries were.

"Oh darling you're okay, daddies here!" Harry cooed, walking up to lower the crib.

Louis simply cried harder as Harry reached out for him, pressing further back into the crib, in a way reminding Harry of how they first met him.

"I'm not ... You're ... I don't ..." Louis cried, evidently distraught and unable to tell them what was wrong.

"You're okay sweetie, deep breaths, " Liam encouraged, understanding the boy was out of his headspace.

"But I ..." Louis trailed off. He was clearly exhausted still, and Harry and Liam were hoping he'd calm down enough to go back to sleep, it was only four in the morning, and much too early for him to be awake.

Harry picked him up, frowning when he noticed how tense and on edge Louis seemed, he was also really warm, his hair slightly damp, it had clearly been one hell of a nightmare.

"You're okay baby, just relax." Liam cooed, gently rubbing his arm as Harry rocked him slightly.

Louis took a shuddering breath in, a sob escaping him as he breathed out.

"Oh darling, you're okay, you're safe lovey" Harry soothed him, wiping his cheeks delicately.

"I'm sorry!" He cried, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck.

"Didn't mean to wake you up" Louis whimpered, hands still shaking at the fright from his nightmare, though he was much more awake and calm now than he had been.

"It's okay baby, nobody's cross with you, you're fine" Harry cooed, calming him down as best he could.

"You want to talk about your dream sweetheart?" Liam asked gently, as Louis shook his head instantly, tears forming in his eyes again.

"That's okay darling, you're fine" Liam rushed out, not wanting to upset him further.

"How about a quick change and back to sleep love?" Harry asked, carrying him over to the table.

Louis nodded his head hesitantly, before declaring, "I'm not tired anymore though, can I just stay up?"

Harry tried not to laugh, seeing the boys eyes half closed, obviously exhausted.

Liam didn't respond to Louis, knowing it would just upset him more if they forced him to go back to sleep.

Harry quickly changed Louis, apologising when Louis flinched away from the coldness of the cream. Liam had excused himself to go make a bottle ready for Louis, sure that would help him fall asleep again.

Harry changed him into a new onesie, light green with racecars on it, throwing the old one into the washing basket. Liam picked that moment to walk back in, popping the bottle down on the side of the crib with a random story book he'd found.

Louis immediately snuggled into Liams warmth when he picked him up, cuddling into him as they sat on the rocking chair next to his crib.

"How about a story then if you're not tired Lou?" Liam winked at Harry, who turned out everything but a dim sidelight as he headed back to sleep. There was no use both of them being up, and he knew Liam would take care of Louis and get him back to bed quickly.

"I can stay up?" Louis asked, despite his eyes already closing as Liam opened the book.

"Just relax darling, have a bit of your bottle" Liam replied, feeding Louis his bottle, his arms wrapped around him, as he held the storybook in front of the both of them.

"Kay" Louis yawned around the bottle, Liam stifling a laugh as he started reading the book.

"Guess how much I love you!" Liam started, making Louis smile as he rested back on Liams chest, relaxed enough now to close his eyes as Liam helped him fall back to sleep.

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now