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Niall's POV:

"Come on darling are you sure you don't want to go play? Look at that massive sand pit!" I heard Harry encouraging Louis, who was currently curled up tight in a ball on my chest, hiding his face between my neck and shoulder.

Louis shook his head firmly against me, gripping onto my shirt tighter.

I looked at Harry, who looked exasperated, at all his attempts to get Louis to meet everyone failing. He was just a little bit shy, hopefully he'd come out of his shell in time, but forcing him wasn't exactly going to do any good.

Harry went to open his mouth again but I shook my head gently.

"If Louis doesn't want to play he doesn't want to." I winked at Harry, as Louis relaxed into me.

"It's a shame really though, seeing as how the ice cream truck is just next to the sandpit. Ah well, maybe next time." I trailed off dramatically, hiding a laugh as Louis instantly perked up.

"Ice cweam?" He asked me cutely, peeking up from his not so hidden spot.

"How about you play for a bit and then have ice cream?" I bribed him easily, despite Liams glare, laughing as he eagerly ran over to the sandpit.

I was great at parenting - he was going to play wasn't he? Just maybe not in the most conventional way ...

He looked a little uncertain as he reached the play area, glancing over at me unsurely, frowning slightly.

I walked over of course, before lifting him up and settling him in one of the swingsets, designed for littles of course, as the whole area was.

He squealed whenever I pushed him too high, giggling happily throughout. I pulled him out after a little while, looking over to see Harry, Liam and Zayn chatting with James, a good friend of ours, who I did also want to see.

I decided to try get Louis chatting to some of the others, spotting James' little girl Anya playing by herself in the sandpit.

We knew her anyway, James often bringing her round, so I figured it was as good a time as any to introduce them.

"Hi Anya sweetie, are you having fun?" I greeted as we walked over to her.

"Uncle Ni Ni!" She squealed, lifting her arms up for a hug. I obliged quickly, though Louis still looked a little unsure.

"This is Anya, and you know what Lou, she loves playing in the sand and the swings too!" I told him, I trying to get him excited.

"Hi! Am Anya! Wanna play?"

"Hi, it me Louis!" Louis greeted excitedly, after a bit of gentle encouragement.

I left them to it, walking back over to the lads, and having a catch up with James. I pointed out where Louis was to the others, keeping an eye on him as we chatted.

James was trying to arrange another carpool karaoke, but was insistent Louis join us this time. Liam was adamant he needed a booster seat though, which James argued apparently wouldn't work with their setup.

I was quite entertained listening to them to be honest, it wasn't often James was told no.

"Daddy!" I heard Louis whine, turning my head to see him walking over to us.

"Hey bubs what's wrong?" I asked him, seeing Anya had also gotten up and was making her way over.

He climbed up into the seat next to me, gripping the table to haul himself up before whispering in my ear he needed a change, and, of course, he wanted his ice cream.

About to reply, I startled as Anya pulled on my arm,  climbing onto my lap wanting me to play with her barbies.

I obliged quickly, after all who could say no to a little? I gestured to Zayn about Louis' nappy, though Lou did look a little upset still.

I carried on chatting with James, and playing with Anya, barely noticing when the lads left with Louis to get him his ice cream. I joined them an hour later or so, to find Louis playing with Harry in the sand, looking a bit grumpy.

"Time for someone's nap I'm guessing?" I asked Liam, who nodded absentmindedly, clearing up everything's things, making sure we hadn't forgotten anything.

"Right ready to go Lou?" I asked, making a move to pick him up, only to hear him whine and look to Liam.

Liam laughed, popping the boy on his hip, as he smiled at him and tickled his sides.

"I'll speak to you when we get home Ni." Liam told me, seeing my confused face when Louis didn't want me to pick him up.

Maybe he was ill? Or because Liam had bought him ice cream?

Oh no.

Or maybe it was because I had passed off his nappy change to Zayn, and hadn't bought him the ice cream myself ...

Combined with basically ignoring him for the last hour, that would definitely explain his reluctance ...


As you can probably tell by the ending, got a bit stuck with it, plus I felt like I just needed to update.

Thanks to Cupcake220252 for the prompt.

Not been updating much recently, mainly due to working and some not so pleasant messages so yeah, sorry!

In other news, Louis has hit 250k views!! Thanks to everyone for the votes/comments/reads, especially love reading your comments, so let me know what you think!

Stay safe :)

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now