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Louis POV:

The first thing I felt on waking up was a throbbing pain in my face. Some guy had jumped me last night, taking the little money I'd had left.

I've been homeless for nearly three years, after my mum had died when I was fifteen. At first, I'd been able to stay in shelters most of the time because of my age, but the last few months I'd struggled finding a place who'd let me stay more than a night.

I moved slightly, wanting to go back to sleep before one of the shelter workers kicked me out. Until I remembered last night was when I'd been attacked, and I should still be in the alley.

I opened my eyes, struggling slightly as everything felt foggy and muddled.

The room looked very expensive, plush carpets, a wardrobe and full to the brim bookcase, a large table in the middle and lots of stuffed animals....

I gasped, realising I was dressed in a onesie, laying down in an oversized crib. I tried to grip onto the bars to pull myself up, but the fleece around my hands made it almost impossible.

Turning my head towards the door as I heard people talking outside, I curled up into a ball in the corner of the crib - it wasn't like there was any way for me to get out and hide.

The door handle turned slowly and I flinched, pulling the blanket further up as four men walked into the room.

They looked vaguely familiar and I tried not to cry, panicking at the thought of what they could do to me. I was completely at their mercy after all, how could I escape four guys that looked practically twice the size of me.

Two of them knelt in front of the crib, smiling gently at me, making me feel a little less afraid, though I still had no idea who they were, they somehow didn't seem like they were going to attack me.

One of the men in front of me opened his mouth and said softly, "Hi sweetheart, can you tell us your name?".

I glanced at the others in fear, but when none of them made any move towards me I whispered "Louis" to him.

The man's face brightened, and my eyes flickered to the two still stood near the door, they looked like they were together the way they were half hugging each other.

"Who are you and, and how did I get here? " I asked nervously, waiting for something, anything to happen.

"Well love, I'm Zayn", the same man spoke, and began gesturing to the others - "and this is Harry, Liam and Niall".

"We're going to look after you baby, we promise." Harry murmured.

I looked towards him confused as to why they didn't appear to want anything from me, before he opened his mouth again,

"We're going to be your daddies baby boy, and we'll love you and protect you and make sure you're never hurt again angel".

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now