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Liam carefully placed Louis back into the crib, tucking him in with a soft blanket and a teddy. He'd fallen asleep pretty quickly, the combination of a story and bottle working wonders on the boy.

It was a shame he was already out of headspace, but Liam did need to speak to him about his nightmare, he sounded absolutely terrified, and the boys had a feeling the dream may not just be fictional.

Carefully closing the door, Liam headed downstairs. He was used to early mornings  anyway from constant touring for the last few years. He was quite on edge  as well, from seeing Louis in such a state, and it made them realise how little they actually knew about him. They knew the basic things, his age and his medical history, that sort of thing, but other than that they didn't have too much to go on. From their game night, a couple of days ago now, they knew his mum had passed when he was fifteen, and then he'd been homeless. 

But Liam couldn't help but wonder what had happened to him while he was on the streets. There was no way he had survived by himself, and three years alone, Liam knew Louis must have had something happen to him from all that time spent alone, maybe a cause of his nightmare tonight. A person, a child, couldn't live like that without it doing something to them, and it made Liam wonder if they needed to take Louis to a psychiatrist of some sort. 

Liam had wandered into their home gym by this point, it had always been his go to stress reliever, and his thoughts drifted back to Louis as he set up a playlist on the speaker and turned on the treadmill. 

He knew it probably wouldn't help for Louis  to see a psychiatrist right now, not with the way he was still getting to know  them and still adjusting to his little side. Besides, they wanted Louis to open up to them, not to a stranger. Liam carried on in the gym for another couple of hours, taking a few breaks, before he had a shower in the attached bathroom. He'd lost track of time and was surprised to see it was already nearly seven, though Liam had always been one able to sit and get lost in his own thoughts. It wasn't like  they had much free time at the minute anyway, dealing with the press, their management, and now helping Louis settle in.

Liam decided to go upstairs and check on Louis after his shower, smiling when he saw the boy still fast asleep, cuddled to the brown teddy bear Liam had given him. He checked his nappy by gently unzipping it so he could see if he was wet. Unsurprisingly, he was still dry, but it was better to be safe than sorry, as it was only a matter of time until he started wetting in his sleep. 

Satisfied Louis was okay, Liam trailed into the kitchen and started on breakfast, having already decided to wake Louis around eight, so he'd be able to take a nap later on. He started on pancakes ad waffles,  knowing Louis needed fatty foods to help him gain a bit of weight, and if he was anything like Niall he'd love them - they really didn't need any arguments trying to get him to eat, and pancakes seemed like a good place to start. 

Liam had finished breakfast within the hour, chatting to Zayn who came downstairs, instantly demanding coffee, as he did most mornings. They didn't have too much of a plan of what to do today, hoping to ease him back into his headspace though, hopefully by introducing him to some more new things. 

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now