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Harry carried him upstairs into the nursery. The boys had designed it over a year ago, and had been, until today, a painful reminder of what they were missing out on.

He was placed onto the changing table in the middle of the room, and Niall began undressing him, whilst Harry ran a bath. Liam and Zayn left the two of them to it, and headed downstairs to make dinner and check everything was completely little proofed.

Although slightly concerned he hadn't woken up yet, the boys believed he had probably been knocked out, judging by the bruises on his face, and decided not to try to wake him. They had plenty of time after all, and he looked as if he needed a decent sleep.

Niall carried him into the bath after Harry had finished, and the two of them placed him in the tub, cleaning him up quickly.

"God I can see his ribs H" Niall muttered, distress evident in his voice.

Harry hugged him, kissing the top of his head reassuringly.

"He's safe now, with us, and we can get him healthy and happy baby, don't worry".

Drying him off with a fluffy towel that drowned the young boy, Niall placed him back onto the change table and reached for a nappy.

"You sure Niall? Like he's already going to be upset when he wakes up, maybe we should leave the nappies for a bit, just until he's settled?" Harry voiced his concerns, whilst gently running his fingers through the boys fringe.

"Look, we agreed when we get a little to go in firm. He's never going to fall into a headspace, or even respect us, if we only half do it." Niall tried to reason, whilst lifting the boys legs and slipping the nappy underneath him. He applied a generous amount of powder and taped it up.

Harry reluctantly agreed, knowing it would benefit him in the long run.

After dressing him into a blue fleeced sleeper, that covered his feet and his hands, much like a newborn babies outfit, Niall tucked him into the crib opposite the changing table. Harry ensured the monitor was turned on, checked the night light, and headed downstairs with Niall.

By now, it was almost 9pm and the boys assumed he would sleep straight through the night.

"Well we have a lot to talk about!" Liam laughed, serving everyone a plate of the spaghetti he and Zayn had been cooking.

Taking their meals through to the living room, Niall decided to be the first to start, telling Liam and Zayn he had already dressed the young boy in a nappy.

"So I think we explain really briefly when he wakes up, that's he's ours, what we expect and so on. No point dragging it out and arguing with him."

"Or we could just treat him as a little until he goes with on it, act as if he's always been this way?" Zayn suggested.

After discussing, they decided to try Niall's suggestion, a quick introduction and then, after calming him down, treat him like the little boy he was supposed to be.

Harry cleared up after their dinner before the boys headed up to bed, knowing they'd need as much sleep as they could for tomorrow.

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now