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Harry's POV:

"There's my favourite boy!" I cooed, getting up from the table to take him from Zayn.

We were desperate to be out of this contract, wanting to showcase our baby to the world, and Liam and Niall thought they might have found a better label for us, willing to work round our commitments with Louis.

We only had a week or so left luckily, and while they were trying everything short of bribery to get us to stay, we all knew we couldn't, for Louis' sake.

Liam and Niall began clearing everything up, moving all the paperwork to one side of the table.

"How's my gorgeous boy doing?" I smiled, cuddling him and placing him on my hip.

He shrugged slightly, resting his head on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around me.

"Well I heard something about an original Louis masterpiece just waiting to be framed upstairs?" I asked dramatically, eliciting a laugh out of him, his breath tickling the back of my neck.

"Someone's a little bit tired, just gonna make him a bottle Haz." Zayn told me, brushing past as he walked over to the fridge.

"You're tired darling?" I asked, receiving a mumble in response, which was probably a yes.

He was so much more cuddly when he was tired, and I kissed the top of his head as I walked around the kitchen, hoping the movement would keep him awake for a little bit longer.

In a way it was surprising he was so tired, but a combination of a lack of decent sleep for years, his pain meds, his complete change in environment and his natural little/submissive side seemed to be taking hold. Either way, we weren't too worried for the time being.

"Do you want your bottle down here or upstairs baby boy?" Zayn asked Louis quietly, interrupting my thoughts. He'd finished heating up his bottle, and I noticed the switch to formula rather than milk, a good idea seeing as he was eating so little at the minute.

He rubbed Louis' back slowly as he waited for a reply, which he didn't get other than a mumble. I looked at him and Zayn shrugged, neither of us understanding.

"What was that angel?" Zayn asked again.

I felt him yawn against my shoulder before he moved his head slightly, allowing me and Zayn to understand him a little better.

"Don't know, m'tired" Louis spoke around anither yawn, pouting slightly before nuzzling back into my shoulder, his arms wrapped loosely around my neck and shoulder.

Me and Zayn cooed and awed at him at the same time, his adorableness absolutely too much to deal with.

"Upstairs?" Zayn mouthed at me, as I nodded and readjusted him slightly so I could carry him upstairs.

"I know baby, I'm sorry" I whispered to him as he whined slightly, barely even audible, at the movement.

I tried my best not to jostle him too much on the way upstairs, seeing how exhausted he was.

I cuddled him closer as I entered the nursery with Zayn following close behind, closing the curtains and turning on the nightlight.

Carefully sitting down in the rocking chair, I readjusted him so he was laying across me, in a much better position for him to drink his bottle. Tucking the starry blanket around him from off the back of the rocking chair, I gratefully took the bottle from Zayn, raising it to Louis' mouth. Barely noticing as Zayn left the room, I brushed the hair away from Louis' face, gently playing with his hair.

His eyes were barely even open at this point, and he took the bottle first time, looking completely relaxed, just how we always wanted him to be.

I found it so precious the way he kept yawning around the bottle, his cute little button nose twitching slightly each time. I couldn't help but stare at him as he drank his bottle and started falling asleep, not wanting to waste a second with him.

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now