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"Maybe put a bit of vanilla or sugar in? We want him to like it", Liam suggested.

"Yeah can do" Niall agreed, preparing Louis' first bottle, with the very unnecessary supervision of Liam.

"He's honestly adorable Ni, he made the most adorable noise when I moved him, and he's not even in his headspace yet!" Liam grinned, Niall rolling his eyes in response.

"Hey I saw that, you're just jealous I got the first cuddle alright" He laughed, smirking at Niall.

"Yeah well I get to give him his first bottle, pick your battles yeah?"

Niall put it in the fridge for later before helping Liam start on lunch, it already being nearly noon.

They started making sandwiches for everyone, figuring it was a safe option and they'd be able to find out later what it was Louis actually liked to eat.

They had nearly finished with lunch, which Niall was really no help with, when they heard loud cries from the living room. Liam looked at Niall in alarm, and they both ran in to see Louis curled up in the corner of the sofa, crying his eyes out.

Zayn was knelt in front of him, trying to calm him down, while Harry looked on from further away, looking very panicked.

"What happened?" Liam asked Harry abruptly.

"Well he was fine, watching Toy Story, and he jumped a bit when that creepy Sid guy came on, then he went really quiet and started crying ... I think he might have gone in his nappy. " Harry let out in a rushed whisper, causing Liam to gasp and Niall to raise his eyebrows.

"Well I really wasn't expecting him to use it without an argument at the very least! Good thing I put one on him then yeah?" Niall replied.

Louis had started crying even harder by now, and they looked on in concern.

"Maybe we should just leave Zayn to it, so he isn't overwhelmed by all of us?" Liam asked the others, who promptly agreed, heading back into the kitchen, leaving Zayn to console Louis - and give him his first nappy change.

Louis - A Zianourry Ageplay StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant