Chapter 27

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Killua's p.o.v

The moment I hear the gun fire, Gon instantly drops the gun from his hands and stares at what he's done in front of him. He doesnt take his focus off his dead friend in front of him. I quickly step over to him and turn his body towards me. He won't look up at me. "Gon...."

I try calling out his name but he doesn't move at all. His eyes stay focused on the ground. I make a quick movement and move his head up to where our eyes finally connect. His eyes are glossy and I can feel his pain just by looking at his face. I wrap my arms around him. He doesn't flinch.

"I killed him Killua...why did i..." He's barely able to get words out.

A pool of blood begins to form around Kai on the ground.

"You did what you had to do..we get to go home now.." I say quietly.

"And Kai will never get to do that. Ever."

I look away from him. I have this pounding feeling of guilt in my chest.

Kurapika and Leorio look like they are about to say something but end up staying quiet.

"Don't blame yourself for this..the people who are in charge of this place made you do it." I say.

He backs away from me. "..."

" Hehe. It seems the final task has been completed. Congratulations. The remaining contestants are the winners of the very first trial of the Disappearance game! Like I said, all of you will now be transported back home. You may or may not hear from me again in the future. Hehe. Goodbye. For now. " The announcer doesn't say anything else after that

Everyone let's out a sigh of relief. I look over at Hisoka who is now smirking. He then stands up.

"Hm~. You all are so stupid. Isn't it quite funny how no one questioned why they are here? I think this was a very wonderful first trial. Such excellent results." Hisoka chirps.

"What are you saying?" I ask.

"You see, from the very beginning I was quite interested in this little group of yours. It's seems that some of you have grown closer due to the game while others..." He glances at the ground towards Kai. "Not so much. I must be a great actor indeed. Not a single one of you suspected me." Hisoka walks closer to Gon and i.

"What the hell are you getting at? Suspecting what?!" I yell.

"What a cute little dummy you are. I've been monitoring the contestants of the game this whole time. Specifically this group. This way results would be much clearer." He speaks again.

All of us have looks of shock on our faces. " way.." Leorio says quietly.

"I stayed in the background and let you guys do all the work. I'm surprised you didn't notice earlier. Oh well. The games over anyways. You can all go back to your normal lives again. Oh and..try talking to the police about this and I'll kill you. All of you. I should get going. I'll be seeing you all very soon." After those last works Hisoka laughs and then vanishes from thin air.

Gon has his hands clenched into fists. "This is all my fault..if I haven't trusted him that day-!" I pull him into another hug before he finishes his sentence.

"Stop blaming your self for everything. None of this was your fault." I babble calmly.

"Well, it looks like this is goodbye for now.." Kurapika says with a frown. "

I nod. "Yea..." I give them a quick smile and Gon runs over, engulfing them in hugs before their images start to fade until they finally disappear. It seems they were transported back before us huh..

It's now just Gon and I left. He's still crying..

I grab his hand. "He said he'll be seeing us again very soon. What does that mean..?" Gon's hands are shaking as he talks.

" I don't know..but I think he was just trying to scare us. Don't worry bout it, ok? "

He nods slowly.



"Lets go home.."

I form a small smile on my lips. "Mhm.."

Before we get transported back, I look over at Kai and frown. "I'm sorry.."

After those last words we are immediately zapped off that island and brought back to Gon's room.

My eyes begin to water just at the sight of his room. "We're really back...It's been so long..a year for me huh.."

I turn my body back to Gon. "We did it. We really survived. But most of all, I'm just glad that I'm still with you."

Gon's eyes look so full of pain. The things we experienced on that island have most definitely changed us. Neither of us will be the same after what we went through. "Me too Killua."

" I think..we should get some rest and talk about everything in the morning. You can tell me everything you did while I was still on the island for a year and I'll tell you everything too. I lower my head a bit. Every thing. And we can talk to your Aunt Mito as well. "

Gon moves his eyes to the side. "Ok.."

I climb into him bed and pat the spot beside me. Gon hops up on the bed. There's a moment of silence between us. I grab Gon's chin and pull his face towards mine until our foreheads touch. I give him a peck on the lips before positioning myself under the covers. "Goodnight."

He's still sitting up. " T..that's it?" He says almost in a pouting voice.

I smirk under the covers. "Yea. I'm tired goodnight."

"Hmf! Fine." He aggressively covers himself in the blankets.
"I love you." I mumble.

"I know.." He whispers back.


Rkffjdbwjsjwkamvbw next chapter will be the last chapter. :,)

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