Chapter 21

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Gon's p.o.v

I clench my hands into fists, gripping chucks of soft grass in my hands. It feels like the sun is beaming down on me as I lay here on the ground. I place a hand over the cheek that was cut and notice that it's still bleeding as well as my shoulder. God it hurts so much...

I turn my face to the right getting another glimpse at the dead boy next to me. my stomach starts to hurt immensely at the sight. I have to quickly stand up, wobbling a bit, just to make it over to a tree to throw up. My eyes sting from the dried tears. After letting out everything I had eaten or drank my vision start to get fuzzy. The next moment I'm on the ground at the edge of losing consciousness.

Everything goes black.

" ...on!!!"


My eyes snap open and I gasp sitting up roughly. My eyes dart around but someone grabs me by my face and turns my head to where I'm looking straight in front of me.

Killua's blue eyes are staring into me. He pinches both my cheeks to get me to come back to my senses. "What..happened?" I stutter.

"You passed out as you were being teleported" He gestures.

A wave of relief washes over me. Thank God Killua is safe. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a hug. He doesn't hesitate to hug me back.

I bite my tongue trying to hold back tears.

"Killua i-"

"Shh..let's not talk about what happened..ok?" He says.

I nod slowly.

I look around my surroundings and notice we are somewhere completely different than before. We're in a room. A completely white room. The walls ceiling and floor are all white. There's nothing except for the people who have finished their fight..and won. Right now there are only 9 of us here. That includes Leorio, Kurapika and Hisoka who both just arrived. They survived as well..

Kai isn't here yet..

"I wonder what'll happen to us next.." Killua whispers.

Leorio and Kurapika come over to us.

"Kai isn't here yet is he? " Leorio speaks up.

I shake my head nervously. " hope he's ok."

"I'm sure he's -"

Another loud buzzer goes off. This time it's so loud I have to cover my ears. "Ah.."

Everyone is the room waits for an announcement to be made.

"Hello dear remaining contestants. It seems something quite interesting has happened with the remaining fighters. Hehe...they all seemed to have...hmm...killed themselves. I guess they were to weak to face off with other opponent. I'm surprised at the number of people who did it. Oh well. Then we'll only have 9 remaining now." The announcer says.

My face turns completely pale. "Kai...what about kai!!" I yell.

Killua instantly slaps a hand over my mouth.

The announcer stay quiet for awhile.

"Tch. As I was of you....Will be disappearing. We haven't done that in a while so how about we do it with the remaining 9 of you hehehehe. Who will it be this time?"

Killua grabs my hand. He looks so worried right now..but not even for himself..

I still can't get the thought of Kai...out of my head...He wouldn't have...done that..

"Tehe..10 seconds" The announcer speaks.


"Gon if I'm the one to go-"

"Stop. I don't want to hear won't be..." I mumble.


Everyone is looking around the room. Nothing happens at first. At first...

I notice everyone in the room start to look over at me. Killua has the most horrified look on his face.

"W..what?" I say confused.

I look down at my skin and realise that it's glowing.

Killua's p.o.v

Gon's whole body starts to glow a bright yellow. People in the room begin to look away with saddened looks on their faces. Kurapika has the same look that I do on my face. It's because...we've both seen what it looks like to have someone disappear in front of you..

"Killua what's going on?! Why is this happening!?" Gon yells.

I grab him and hold him in my arms. "Gon..I love much..that it h..hurts." I begin to sob.

I can tell Gon finally realises what's going on.

"I..I don't wanna go... " he says barley above a whisper.

"I'll say it again and again and over and over again. I love you." I say.

The image of him start to fade.

"I lo-............... "

What was once in my arms, holding on to me so tightly, is now gone. He didn't get to say it...

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