Chapter 12

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No one's p.o.v
"Do it then" Gon says without a hint of hesitation in his voice.

Killua's eyes are filled with hatred while he grits his teeth from just staring at the boy in front of him.

Gon stares at Killua with intense eyes fully aware that in his mind, Killua would never hit him. He waits for Killua to back down but the boy doesn't move an inch.

Instead, Killua strides closer to Gon and stops when he's about a foot away from him. "Your the one who asked for this..." The white haired boy mumbles under his breath. Gon looks down at Killua's fist and then back up to his face. The moment their eyes meet again, Killua takes a swing right at gons right cheek. He wasn't holding any thing back either. He lands his hit and Gon's head jolts to the left abruptly.

Gon has a shocked expression on his now bruised face. He spits out some blood and stays silent for a moment.

Gon's p.o.v

He...actually did it....

I laugh quietly to myself and scoff after. "Woooow. Mr tuff guy over here." I mock.

Killua looks like he's about to punch me again but I take my chance before he can. I punch him back right in the same place he hit me.

Killua barley flinched at this..uh oh.

"Fuck....what's the point of this." He says while rubbing his sore cheek.

I'm surprised by this as I thought Killua wouldn't have let this go.

He turns away from me. I start to say something but stop myself. This is all a huge mess.

A sudden sound directs our attention away from each other and to the wall that doesnt have an entrance. A stone slab in the wall starts to move to the side which creates a small opening about the size of my hand. We stare at this with confused looks on our faces.

Then, what seemed like a flying white blur, comes straight out of the opening and hits Killua in the neck. He stumbles back a bit and cries out in pain. On his neck is a small white syringe dart that is plunged into his skin. It's realeaseing some strange clear liquid.

In an instant he pulls it out and throws it across the room. "What the hell was that!?" He yells.

I quickly run over to the syringe and pick it up, inspecting what was inside.

"There was something in it....." I say while Not looking up from the syringe

I wait for him to say something but there's only a long silence. After getting irritated with him ignoring me I wip my body around ready to yell at him but there's something off.

He has his eyes dead set on me. His body is completely still.

"Killua? Helllllo?"

He begins to walk closer to me. Each step filled with complete silence.

What the heck is he doing...? I find my self backing up as he comes closer.

Not even a second after, Killua throws himself at me and tackles me to the floor. I try and get him off me but he slams my head down to the ground. He has one hand gripping my hair and the other holding my hands above my head. My body begins to shake.

"Killua!!! W..what are you doing?! Get off me!" I scream.

He doesn't budge. Whatever was in the syringe must have made him act like this!

He tightens his grip on my wrists and yanks my head to the side harshly. I gasp.

He leans his head down to whisper something in my ear. "I'll.......with........kill......die....."

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