Chapter 11

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Killua's p.o.v

I'm sitting in the corner of a small room all curled up in a ball. I have my back leaned up against the hard surface of the wall. Out of my control, my body is shaking non stop. I don't think I can handle this anymore...He always does what he wants and never listens to what I have to say. This happens everytime..I'm Just fucking sick of it. All I want for him is to be safe but all he does is throw himself in dangerous situations.

I curl my fist into balls as I think about it.

Fuck it...He can do what he wants..I don't fricken care.

I lift my head up and look around the room that I am in again. There are four walls and each wall, except for one, has an entrance the leads into the room but no way out.

I let out a deep sigh.

Just moments later I hear the sound of yelling coming down from the same entrance that I fell out of. Must be Kai...If Gon would rather be the that creep Hisoka then he can suit himself.

That thought makes my chest tighten. "Ugh.."

I rise and walk over to where Kai would be coming from. The yelling gets louder and louder until a body comes flying out of the slide and plunges straight into me. We both end up knocked on the ground and I groan out.

"Gees Kai...was that really necessary." I say while barley being able to see his face because of how dark it is in the room.

At first there's silence.

"I..I'm not Kai..." A mumbled voice says quietly.

I instantly shove the body off of me and squint my eyes at the figure in front of me.



Silence one again.

Gon's p.o.v

Killua has a look this I've never seen on his face before...he's furious. I've never seen him this mad.

He stands up in one swift movement, pulls me up by the collar of my shirt, and practically slams me against one of the walls in this strange room we are in. I wince after he does this.

His face is so close to mine right now our noses are almost touching.

He tightens his grip on my shirt. "I've put up with your bull shit for long enough. Are you stupid or something?! Do you even care about how I feel?! Your always going around doing what you wanna do not giving a care in the world about what others think! This isn't a god damn game Gon. This is really fricken happening. Get your shit together! We could be the only ones left on this island that actually have someone from back home that they know! Why d..don't you ever use that as an advantage! Why are you always trying to l..leave me!"

Killua's voice is shaky and cracking. His eyes are full of tears yet none have broken free.

I stand there just staring at him. He's never once talked to me like that..but...I guess...He isn't wrong..he's right I am always doing what I want...

I lean forward to hug him. "K..killua..I'm sorry..I just-"

He cuts me off by pushing me away. My eyes dart back up to his but he won't look at me.

He backs away from me and then turns to walk away. I reach out and grab his wrist but he tanks it away. I hear him grit his teeth before sharply turning around and giving me this awful death stare. "Don't touch me."

He can see the looks of concern in my eyes but ignores it and backs away to another corner of a wall. The guilt that I feel in my chest just won't go away.

I let him go.

He's just slumped over..

I walk to another corner and slide down the wall until I'm in a sitting position. I feel so empty inside right now..

Killua's p.o.v

I've finally got to tell him the way I'm feels better now that I've gotten that all out. And I hope he feels like crap right now. He deserves it. This hurts me as's not like I enjoy telling him all those things...I just had to. If I didn't nothing would have changed.

I look over at Gon who is staring down at his hands, completely lost in his thoughts.

I honestly don't even want to be in the same room with his right now...

It stays quiet for a while and we both sit in our opposite corners waiting for other people to come through the other entrances, after all that's the whole reason we're down here.

Gon decides to speak up. "Can you listen to what I haven't I say?"


"Seriously? I just need to tell yo-"

"I don't want to talk to you right now so just be quiet."

He looks frustrated by this. If he ends up talking to me I'll just blow up at him again...and probably worse then last time. It's better like this for now.

Normally Gon backs down in a situation like this but not this time.

"You know what. No. Your going to listen to what I have to say whether you like it or not. You did it to me so now it's your turn." He says sharply.

"" I mumble.

"Make me." He spits back.

Ok....that really pissed me off..he's doing that on purpose now?!

"I won't hesitate to punch you Gon. Just because your my so called friend doesn't mean I won't knock you down."

He doesn't back off. "'ve never layed a finger on me. What makes you so sure you can do it mow?" He mocks.

I try as hard as I can to control how furious I am right now. "I'm warning you....
"Do it then."

Ah..a full chapter of fighting. These boys need to calm them selves :O


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