Chapter 14

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Killua's p.o.v
After waiting in the room for another 3 hours for the next two people to find there way in, they finally arrived. Kai and Hisoka miraculously found their way back. We got pretty lucky with our newly formed team. I feel like I can trust Leorio and Kurapika. It's a little odd, but..I don't know maybe you could call it a gut feeling. Gon of course was ecstatic to seem them. Gees..he's such a cry baby. It's probably around 3 in the morning now. Gon's out cold. The rest of us seem to barley be able to keep our eyes open. Even though we have all 6 team members, nothing has happened. Not an announcement either. I guess all the other people still haven't made it to the mountain yet.

Gon has his head leaned up against my shoulder. I watch him closely as his mouth is slightly parted and each time his chest moves up and down, I can here his soft breathing. His cheeks are a tint of Rose red. He has such an innocent face...but, I wish I could do whatever I wanted with him. Kiss him, hug him, make him mine. It's getting harder and harder to hold back. That hallucination just made me cling to him even more.

I'm snapped out of my daze by the sound of speakers going off. Everyone in the room adjust themselves. I pinch Gon's cheeks to wake him up.

"Owww...Killua?" He pouts.

"An announcement is about to be made." I whisper.

He rubs his eyes and nods.

"Attention contestants. Time is now up and the island will now being to flood over. The ones who made it to the mountain, congratulations on completing part one. I will now be discussing something that is most likely very important to you all. It's about time I tell you contestants how the game will end. Or should I say, how you can win."

The speaker clears his throat before speaking again. Gon taps my hand with his finger. I look at him and he seems worried. I grasp his hand in mine, giving it a tight squeeze.

"In this game There are 3 parts. You could also think of them as levels. The ones who survived have just completed part one which was making it to the mountain in time to form your teams. After each level is completed, I'll discuss the next part of the game. I'm the end, only one team will make it out alive. So, the max amount of people who will survive is 6. And that's if your full team makes it. Now it's time for part 2 hehe!"

"In a moment a slab in the wall will open up that will place 6 glasses on the ground. Each glass is filled with a substance that is very similar to alcohol. The difference is that everyone is affected by it. It's also 3 times more concentrated then regular alcohol. Each member is required to drink one full glass. And trust me, you'll feel a bit more then just tipsy. After everyone has had the drink the real test will begin. The teams will split into groups of two. Each duo will need to travel up the mountain until they reach the top. Each duo MUST go their separate says from their teammates. Cheating will not be tolerated."

"This won't be an easy trip. You'll feel drunk and tired. Remember, creatures still lurk on the mountain as Well. There are forest you'll need to go through, rivers you'll need to cross, and creatures you'll need to hide from. This level ends in 2 days at 7pm. No announcements will be made until that time comes. I suspect more then half of you will die. After you have reached the top, you will need to reunite with your team. Full teams might not even be alive. Hehe...Good luck!"

After the broadcast cuts off, just like he said, a slab in the wall opens up and 6 glass cups are dispensed on the ground.

"Ohh?~ Everyone is underage except for me!" Hisoka says with a smirk.

No one finds this funny.

"Hm. Well I really don't want to find out what happens if we don't drink this stuff." Kurapika says picking up 2 glasses, one for him and the other for Leorio.

Gon looks over at me and the gets up and gets a cup for him and me. "This is fine. It's not like I haven't drank befo-" Gon slaps his hands over his mouth and just stares at me wide eyed.

"You what." I say sternly.


"Gon when the heck did you start drinking huh?! Your 16!" I shout while crossing my arms.

He flails his hands in front of him. " no no! It was only one time with Retz-" He stops himself from saying anything else.

That little bitch. "I'm gonna kill that slut....." I say. You can practically see the fire in my eyes.


"I'm not wrong."

"Hmp! Whatever." He pouts some more.

"Hehe you didn't deny it." I smirk.

Gon just shoves the drink in my face. I snicker to myself and then down the drink just to get it over with. Everyone else does the same.

"That was disgusting!" Kai yells.

Gon looks like he's about to puke from the taste.

"well guys..I think it's pretty obvious what the teams will be. And we should leave here before the drink kicks in" Kai says.

Everyone nods. Gon smiles at me.

"How's your wound doing Kai?" Gon asks.

"Resting here for a bit defiantly helped."

"If you would like I can just carry yo-" Hisoka behind to say.

"I'd rather die." Kai says bluntly.

Gon laughs.

It's nice to see him laughing again..

The walls in the room start to shake a bit. Then a foot way opens with a stair way leading in 3 different directions.

Gon grabs my hand and look around at everyone. "I guess This is goodbye for now. I'll look forward to seeing everyone again in two days!" Gon chirps in a positive tone.

"Yea..." Leorio says with a smile.

Truly, everyone here know that the chance of all of us meeting again is extremely slim. I guess it's better to hope for the best.

Leorio and Kurapika are the first to go up their path on the stairs.

Gon gives Kai and hug before he leaves.
"Please stay safe.." Gon says while his voice cracks.

Kai nods. Hisoka and him go on their path.

I give Gon a reassuring nod and connect our hands again before we disappear up the stairs.

We have two days to stay alive. Two days....we can do this.


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