Chapter 15

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Gon's p.o.v
I didn't let go of Killua's hand as we walked up the slick stone stairs. His touch has always made me feel's a very comforting feeling.

Once we finally reach the top of the stairs to come to a halt. It's still pitch black outside. All we can hear are the noises that come with the night. Rustling in bushes, growls, owls soaring through the deep blueish black sky filled with the millions and billions of tiny little stars twinkling in the far distance. It's a breathtaking view.

Killua pulls on my hand a bit to tell me we need to keep going. Right after that is when I start to feel it...the drink is kicking in.

My vision blurs up a bit and I take a step forward only to wobble a little. I blush out of embarrassing and look over at Killua expecting him to be laughing.

He's not. He looks like he's about to pass out. Now this makes me giggle to myself.

No one's p.o.v
Killua looks up at the giggling Gon and starts to let out soft giggles as well. Now, both of them are just laughing at each
other. The drink is now fully in action.

"Gonnn...d..don't laugh at me!"

"Y-your laughing at me!" Gon says while trying to keep himself together but every time boys even glance at each other they just start laughing again. Gon is laughing so hard that he falls into his knees bringing Killua down with him."

Unfortunately for them time is zipping by.

"Hehe...Gon... *Hic* ..your so cute when you laugh.

Gon's face turns to a deep crimson red and he crosses his arms and scrunches up his nose. "What do you..*Hic*..mean cute?! I'm hot! I'm hotter than you are hehehe!

Killua shakes his head. "Sorry but, only one of us can be the hot one. That would be.. *Hic"* Your the lil baby. Baby's are cute!

"I have more muscle than you!"

"Nu uh! I do! Me!" Killua argues.

"Gon pushes Killua over, who just flops to the side. He casually just lifts up Killua's shirt and stares at his waist and chest."

Killua smirks. "Seeeee I told you! *Hic*

Gon open his mouth to say something but quickly shuts it.

"Now it's my turn to see you!" Killua demands.

"No fair! You see me without a shirt everyday dummy! Your the one who always hides in the bathroom!

Killua shakes his head. "Don't make Me tickle you."

Gon quickly stands up, wobbling all over the place and starts running into the heavily wooded forest away from his friend.

Killua springs up and runs after him. "I'm gonna get ya!"

Little did the boys know that they were being very very loud. Any creature within the area was sure to hear them.

Killua is already almost caught up to the green haired boy. "Once I catch you there's no going back hehe!" He smirks as he sprints faster.

Gon runs as fast as he can but ends up triping over a root in the ground and falls face first into the dirt.

Killua doesn't hesitate to pounce onto him, pinning his arms down. Gon is squirming all over the place.

Killua's playful look switches to a more mature and serious look which makes Gon question what he's really going to do to him.

Killua makes sure he has a tight grip on Gons wrist. He then moves his head down to the bottom of Gon's shirt and picks it up with his teeth.

Killua takes the hand that isn't holding Gon's arms down and places it on Gon's chest, sliding it down to his abdomen almost in a seductive way. Gon shivers at his touch. "K..killua..what are you.. *Hic*..doing?

"Showing you that I'm the hot one.." He whispers.

He lowers his head again and plants a kiss along the side of Gon's abs. This sends shivers down the boys spine. "Killua!"

He doesn't lift his head but only his eyes to look at the panicked boy below him. "I won't hurt you.." Killua says softly.

He plants more kisses on his abdomen and then moves up to his chest then to his neck..

He licks a spots on Gon's neck and then bites down on it making a gasp escape from  him mouth.

Gon can feel himself breathing harder now and his faces getting redder and redder. "Uh!"

Killua's face is now hovering right above Gon's. He slides his thumb over Gon's lower lip. "I'll.........make......." Killua's eyes roll back and he starts to loose consciousness.
"You.....m.....i.....n.....e....." He passes out cold before saying another word.

Gon takes a moment to process what just happened. "Nani?"
Gon ended up having to drag Killua to a near by tree that has small bushes surrounding it which will make it harder for lurking creature to find them. Gon thinks really hard about the situation that just took place. He plays the scene over and over again in his head like watching a short film at the movies. He couldn't process any of it.

He was so confused that he decided to just go to sleep and deal with it the next morning.

The next morning..

Killua wakes up before Gon does and takes a look at his surroundings which look completely unfamiliar. His eyes then dart down to the peaceful boy next to him.

He starts to shake him. "Gon! Gon! Goooon!!! Wake up!"

Gon sits up abruptly. "What?! What is it?!"

"Where the heck are we?! What happened last night? I can't remember a thing. And I have a spliting headache....

Gon stares at Killua with a blank expression. Gon on the other hand remembers everything.

"You..." Gon blushes madly and covers his mouth with a hand. "Don't remember..?"


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