Chapter 16

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Gon's p.o.v

Gon curls his hands into fists and closes his eyes for a moment. "Your an idiot. I can't believe you don't remember what doesn't matter anyways. We were just drunk.."

"Huh? What did we-"

I cut him off. "Welp! Looks like we better get moving. We wasted all of last night and part of today."

"I can't think straight with this headache..let's just go." Killua groans.

We both stand up but before we even begin walking Killua stops me and points at my neck. "That's an odd looking but bite?" He says.

That's when I realize that he left a hickey on my neck last night. I slap a hand over it. "u...uh! Y..yea! Darn those bugs.." I say while stuttering.

Killua ignores my reaction and continues on with me following behind him.

"I think we'll be ok if we can get as far as we can while there's still daylight and then find a place to rest for the night."

I nod slightly.

A few hours later..

It feels like we haven't gotten anywhere. It's just endless walking through this stupid forest. I'm so tired ugh..

Suddenly, Killua comes to a sharp stop.

"What is it Killua?"

He's staring at something in front of us laying on the ground. Then he reaches out and points.

My eyes follow his hand until I spot what he was looking at. I cover my mouth with my hands.

"Oh god.."

There's a young girl lying on the ground directly in front of us. She has a fatal gash in her neck that's still gushing with blood and smaller cuts all over her frail body. Her clothes are so ripped apart that she's almost completely naked. It takes a few seconds for her to take each of her next breaths.

Both of us rush over to the girl. She's still alive...barley.

She looks up at us with tired eyes. "H..elp...m...e...." Her voice is barley above a whisper as she speaks. I

Killua's p.o.v

What the hell happened to this girl...

Gon tries to comfort her as much as he can just by asking her simple questions and being friendly. She knows she's dying. We know she's dying.

Hot tears are rolling down the sides of her face.

"What...happened to you?" He asks.

"" Is all she manages to say.

Gon looks so sad while looking at her. He scoops her head up and places it in his lap. He wants her lasts moments to the best of can get.

"May I ask your name?" He asks.

" "

The moment that name slips from her lips, Gon's face turns pale. He states down at her and his body begins to shake.

"No....Everly...Kai's sister....your Kai's sister."

Her eyes widen. "!!! Ka...i!!

I look away from the sight in front of me.
This is the sister Kai has been looking for. And she's dying.

Gon's eyes fill with tears. "I...I met your brother..He was very kind to me. Your so lucky to have a brother like him..but you don't need to worry about him..he's safe..j..just...relax. Close your eyes." Gon says in a soothing voice.

She stares into his eyes and the slightest smile forms on her lips. She nods and then slowly...very slowly closes her eyes and fades into an everlasting rest. Gon wipes his eyes and lifts the girls head and places it back on the ground gently. His eyes connect with mine and he looks torn.

" am I going to tell Kai..."

"Gon. I really hate to say this can't worry about this right now. There was nothing you could have done to save her."

He nods his head.

I grab his hand and continue to walk away from the girl's lifeless body.

For the next few hours, the walk is silent. I can tell Gon has a lot on his mind right now.
"Killua I'm hungry~" Gon complains.

"Ugh you've said that 13 times now! Your gonna have to wait."

"Hmf fine!"

Not even 5 minutes later....

"Killua I'm thirsty"

"OK FINE! We can stop and look for some water. "

"Ok.." Is all he says.

I let go of Gon's hand since I'm annoyed with him right now and he just crosses his arms. "There's probably not very many places that have water around here." I mumble.

"Ok then I'll just die from dehydration. That'll solve everything." He says sarcastically.

"Go ahead and do that." I say as I keep walk forward.


I forgot how impatient he is..

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