Chapter 19

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GON'S p.o.v

Both Killua and I watch as this person climbs up a side of the mountain. They have a hoodie on which covers up most of their face. Their making Climbing up the mountain look like a piece of cake.

Once they get to the top they let out a loud sigh and toss the rope on the ground. The person takes off the hood revealing...a girl. Her long brown hair practically spills out of the hood making it's way almost past her back. She has a very pretty face and a set of peculiar light purple eyes. Once she realises that there are already people here, Killua and I, she sends us a wicked glare.

"Tch." She flips her head to the side and crosses her arms.

"Uh..what's wrong with her." I whisper to Killua.

He shrugs. "Who cares. Just another bit-"

I throw a hand over Killua's mouth before he says any thing else. "Killua! Don't say that!"

He smirks at my reaction.

Our conversation is interrupted by a loud shout coming from the same side of the mountain that girl claimed up from.


Someone's shouting at what seems to be that girl. She peaks her head over the side of the mountain and roles her eyes at the person. "Fuck you ugly!" She yells back.

This guy, the one now climbing up the mountain is rapidly making his way to her. He scrambles to his feet when he reaches the top. "Who you calling ugly?! We look the exact same stupid." He wasn't wrong. These two must be twins. Twins who hate each other?

The girl ignores him and walks away. "Screw you..." The boy mumbles.

I look at Killua who seems to be enjoying their little fight. I shake my head. "There's four people now.." I say.

"let's see how many more will make it.." He adds.

As time goes on, more and more people start to make it to the top. As of now, there are currently 14 people here. There's no sign of Leorio, Kurapika, Hisoka, or Kai..

About 20 minutes go by and no one else has made it up. I'm starting to get worried.

Killua notices of course and grabs my hand to comfort me. "It'll be ok."

I nod.

Another 20 minutes go by and we finally spot 4 people climbing up the mountain. I close my eyes hoping it's them.

The rest of the people are just waiting around for another announcement to be made. The people who till had team members rejoined back together.

The four that were climbing the mountain finally reached the top and Killua springs up with triggers me to open my eyes.

"It's them.." He says.

"Oh thank god." A huge wave of relief washes over me. They spot is and run over to where we are.

"You guys are here!" Kai says while hugging the both of us. " I was so worried...i... " I hug him back.

"Were ok.." I reassure.

Leorio and Kurapika smile at us and Hisoka is only grinning at me...ugh.

Kai then starts to look amongst the people. I already know who he's looking for..his sister.

I hear him mumbling under his breathe. " she..where..?"

My hand starts to shake and I reach out grabbing Kai by the shoulder. He turns his body around to face me. He has so much worry in his eyes that I have to look away.


"Kai.... It's about your sister." I swallow.

His face turns pale. "What..? Where is she?!"

He flicks my hand of his should only to grab both of mine and stare at me with widened eyes filled with the most desperate look I've seen.

My voice begins to shake. "She...we found her...but...she...had a fatal gash in her neck. There wasn't anything we could have done to save her! S..she said he name was Everly that's how we knew it was her..Kai..I'm so sorry." I say this while trying to fight back tears.

Kai's grip loosens on my shoulders and his lip begins to quiver but he makes no sound at all. His eyes look like a smooth lake about to burst into an everlasting whirlpool. His head drops and he collapses to his knees. I neal down next to him. He must be feeling so much pain right now. The most he's ever felt. His hot tears fall one by one into the Rocky gravel below us. He cries ever so silent..

I pull him into a hug but he just sits there completely limp. Everyone else gives us some distance including Killua out of respect.

His own sadness makes my eyes fill with tears. This whole time I haven't seen him shed a single tear. It's like he was frozen ice that's now experiencing the feeling of the pain of what it's like to lose someone you hold hear. Someone you love..He's melting away now.

He begins to full on sob. I just hold him.

"I'm so sorry Kai.."

I wish there was something I could do for him. But here, on this island, there's absolutely nothing that I can do. All of us here are helpless. Everyone one of us still alive is a living pawn on a chess board. The creaters have made this a game for their own entertainment..

Kai slowly stops his crying and wipes his red eyes. He lifts his head to look at me. "Thank you for staying with her till the end.." That's all he says before standing up and distancing himself from us just to have some alone time. Killua walks back over to me and wipes the sides of my eyes. "You did really good Gon..." He says.

I burry my head into his chest. I didn't do anything..

Moments later, the same buzzer that went off in the beginning goes off again. There's another announcement.

"Hahahah. This isn't what I expected at all. Only 18 of you survived?! This sure makes things exciting! I must say...the next round, round three, will be the most mentally challenging for most of you. Teheh..seems like only one full team made it. Oh well. This next round is going to be FUN TO WATCH!"

The announcer bursts out into a hideous laughter. A dangerous laugh..



(Sorry for late chapter)

Disappearance [KilluGon]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें