i see red | 13

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trauma - chapter thirteen

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[y/n] opened his eyes to a clear blue sky, the grass underneath him brushing against his clothes noisily as a strong wind passed by. 

He got up slowly, brushing off any stray grass that might've landed on him as he examined the area around him warily.

The last thing he remembered was passing out in Yuuei's training grounds, and even if he was exhausted he wouldn't let his guard down to the point where he'd wake up in an entirely different environment.

His [e/c] eyes scanned the area before him, the scenery no other than a bunch of green hills that connected and overlapped one another. His eyes narrowed as the hills led into a deep forest, the end out of sight as it ventured into the unknown.

Using his chakra, [y/n] created a weblike pattern, searching for any chakra signatures but came up empty handed. Sighing softly to himself, [y/n] was about to retract them when he stumbled across extremely familiar chakra signatures, his eyes widening as his heart pounded loudly in his head.

'No way...'

His feet moved unconsciously towards the end of the cliff, his hand reached out weakily as disbelief spread across his face.


Looking deep into the forest, his eyes strained on a certain silver-haired male jumping through the thick forest branches, light bouncing off of it ever so slightly.

His eyes widened even more as his feet shuffled closer to the edge.

Pink hair.


Blond hair.

"... Naruto?"

The names fell from his lips in disbelief, his mouth going dry as his feet reached just before the edge of the cliff. His senses went haywire at the exact moment, forcing him to forget about the sight in front of him and pay attention to the danger nearing him. 

Listening to his body, [y/n] turned around sharply, his teeth clenched as he faced a terrifying black mass only a hair away. 


Moving back slightly, [y/n]'s foot met air as his body naturally fell backward down the cliff, the figure grinning at him sinisterly as it peered over the ledge.

However, he couldn't focus on the figure or whether or not he was going to hit the ground.

All he could hear was the surprised voices of his students.

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐔𝐌𝐀. naruto x bnhaWhere stories live. Discover now