undercover pro hero | 24

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trauma - chapter twenty four

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Sitting in his seat, [y/n] still felt unnerved from what his classmate had shown him earlier. Even if his appearance on the outside remained the same, he couldn't help but stare at the green-haired male in front of him.

He didn't think much of Midoriya's muttering before, passing it off as just an unusual trait as a result of anxiety, but now it was a different story. When the male had rambled on about his theories regarding the tactics he thought [y/n] was going to use during his first battle against Mina, the ex-anbu had indulged in his thoughts because it seemed harmless. 

If he had known that the theories came to be due to constant observation and analytics, [y/n] would have simply just ended it with a simple nod.

'Nothing good comes from feeding information so carelessly.'

Even now the male before him was muttering with sparkling eyes, the battle between Uraraka and Bakugou just merely starting as the two stood on the stage facing them. 

[y/n] knew Midoriya didn't have any ill intentions, the young boy most likely doing it just because it was a fun hobby of his. Yet, he wondered if there would be a time if he realized how dangers it imposes on the system he had valued so much.

It wouldn't come as a surprise if the green-haired male's notebook went missing anytime soon, or at least a certain page regarding Yuuei's top student.

Pushing it to the back of his mind, [y/n] focused on the match that had started between his seatmate and his blond classmate. The pairing was as worse it could get, a user with an ability needed for close contact, and one that could cause damage from afar. 

The male was quite interested in this match, more so than the one prior since the two had similar quirks, and if Uraraka played it correctly, there was a slim chance she would be able to push Bakugou slightly out of the ring. Yet, even if she was able to get into contact with Bakugou, there's no telling that he would just propel himself down and in the split second where Uraraka is caught off-guard and push her out of the ring. 

It was then when [y/n] heard something rather interesting from the stands, tilting his head slightly up to see a few heroes chatting away above him.

"-rough. I feel bad for the poor girl."

A nod came from what [y/n] assumed to be the hero's friend, his arms crossed over one another as he scanned the battleground. 

"Hopefully that kid goes easy on her, it wouldn't look good if he didn't."

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