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trauma - chapter four

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[y/n] walked down the halls to what they called a principal's office, his eyes scanning his surroundings for any dangers unconsciously.

He didn't know that it was weird for him to do so.

As they reached the door, Aizawa braced himself. For some reason, he felt the urge to protect the boy. Maybe it was the way his eyes seemed like he uncovered the horrors of the world, or maybe it was the fact that the male looked like he had gone through hell over and over again without any breaks.

He just knew he didn't want anything bad happening to the boy without him on watch.

Aizawa opened the door slowly, steeling his features as Nezu appeared at his desk. Beside him was Makoto Tsukauchi, a university student with a quirk being able to tell if someone was lying.

"Shota! Come come, this is the boy you mentioned?"

[y/n] would be lying if he wasn't slightly surprised by the mousey appearance, yet growing up in Konohagakure he for sure saw much weirder things.

As the [h/c] haired jonin got seated, he watched as the thing in front of him scanned over him.

"I'm sure Shota already informed you on who I am, but I am Nezu, the principal here at U.A. High." His hand made it's way to the woman beside him, her smiling as she introduced herself.

"I'm Makoto Tsukauchi, nice to meet you [l/n]." Her smile reminded [y/n] of a motherly figure, causing [y/n] to nod in response.

"She has a quirk called polygraph, she can tell if you're lying or not. " Aizawa said, leaning on the wall. [y/n] instantly thought about how helpful it would've been during the war, so many lives would've been saved.

So many lives.

The adults in the room watched as [y/n] fell into his thoughts once again, yet instead of his emotions appearing on the surface, it seemed like he became only more guarded. His eyes dulled even more, and his spine got instantly more straighter and tenser.

Makoto feared for the answers she'd recieve.

And as if something snapped, [y/n]'s eyes went sharp and his lips pursed together, a thick bloodlust released into the air. It only lasted a few seconds before it went away, the male realizing what had happened once he saw the widen expressions of the people in the room.

[y/n]'s head bowed in shame, his eyes not meeting anyone's as he kept quiet.

Nezu locked eyes with Aizawa, the lingering terrorizing feeling of [y/n]'s bloodlust still stuck in the back of his mind.

"It's alright [l/n]. Just answer a few questions for us is that okay?"

'It's not going to be an interrogation [y/n], you're gonna be fine.'

"Tsukachi-san is going to need to hold your hand, okay?"

Aizawa watched [y/n] nodded, looking up at the woman as he extended his hand. Makoto gently placed hers on his, sending him a small smile to calm his nerves.

"Is your real name [f/n] [l/n]?"


"It's the truth. Where are you from [l/n]?"

[y/n] held his breath as he controlled his nerves, calming his body instantly as to not give way any hint that he may be lying.

"I don't know."

A few seconds of silence passed and Makoto frowned, "He's telling the truth."

Aizawa had thought the entire thing was stupid, but he knew it was essential as [y/n] could very well pose a threat to society. He was an unknown danger that appeared out of nowhere with no records.

"Do you have any intentions on harming yourself or others?"

A small moment of silence passed again. 


Makoto froze and held [y/n]'s hand slightly tighter. She held her breath as she asked the next question, "Do you think about harming yourself?"

[y/n] thought back to when he stabbed himself multiple times, repeating 'kai' over and over again only to realize it was useless.


Another shared look was created between Nezu and Aizawa, worry hidden under their eyes. Nezu dipped his head slightly, a sign that [y/n] wasn't going anywhere dangerous.

"Truth." A frown settled on her face, "May I ask why?"

[y/n] shook his head no.

"Then, what is your quirk?"

The room went silent as they anticipated what the unknown male's power was. Aizawa had believed the reason he was able to take down the two low-level villains from before was due to muscle memory from when he was kidnapped.

He didn't need to know it was actually nothing compared to what [y/n] was truly capable of.

[y/n] slowly moved his eyes to the two other people in the room, having heard of what a 'quirk' was from whispers amongst the dark alleyways.

As he looked back at the female student in front of him, he calmed down his heart once again and steadied his mind.

He didn't need to struggle to find an answer, after all he still has his chakra coils, as well as every technique he's memorized.

After a moment of silence, [y/n] finally spoke up.

"I can manipulate wind and water." 'They don't need to know about the others.'

Makoto nodded, signaling that the male was telling the truth. The room then left out a collective sigh, the questionnaire now over. Nezu was still hesitant about the boy Aizawa picked off the streets, so he decided to do the most reasonable thing.

"Would you like to stay with Aizawa for the time being, [y/n]?"

The prohero looked at his boss weirdly as this was the first time he had heard of this predicament, "When did I ever-" He shut his mouth after the look Nezu had given him, and the mouse looked back at the young boy.

"So, would you like to stay with him?"

[y/n] watched the exchange silently. He had always thought he was going to die and be reunited with his loved ones, at least that's what he's been aiming for since the start of his journey here.

He wanted to say no, he really did. He wanted to just live on the rooftops of this city, he didn't want to form bonds with strangers of a whole other universe. He couldn't bear to.

He was supposed to be dead.

He wanted to stay dead.

So why was he still alive?


Naruto's words rang through his mind again. [y/n] wanted to chuckle bitterly, thinking about his student that was always so optimistic. 


He had to honor his students's dying wishes, that's just who he was.

"I'll live with Aizawa-san."

And hopefully their wishes won't be in vain. 

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐔𝐌𝐀. naruto x bnhaWhere stories live. Discover now