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trauma - chapter twenty seven

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It was after school when 1-A became chatty again, their conversations mostly consisting of asking others which hero agency they were going to. 

"You got the most offers [y/n]-san, it must be hard to decide between them huh?" 

[y/n] looked up at Mina, the pink female's nonchalant statement gathering attention from their other classmates.

"With your abilities hmm... you're probably gonna pick a rescue agency like Tsuyu right? Since water and wind aren't that destructive."

Mina looked at Kirishima as if he grew a second head, her words flowing from her mouth before she even realized it.

"Isn't that destructive? Did you not see the damage he did during his fight with Todoroki?"

As the two argued, [y/n] smiled softly at his classmates who were looking at him expectingly, "Ah- I'm a bit undecided, unfortunately. However, I do have an agency in mind that I'm not too comfortable sharing you see."

Sounds of understanding came from his classmates as [y/n] stood up, his natural height towering over everyone as usual.

"But if you'll excuse me, I should turn it in before I change my mind." 

At his abrupt ending, [y/n] skillfully maneuvered around his classmates as he made his way down the Yuuei halls.


[y/n]'s fist softly came into contact with the door, his presence unknown until that very moment.

"Come in."

Opening the door, [y/n] found himself staring at familiar faces. One of them brightening up considerably as his loud voice rang through the room.

"[y/n]-kun! Why are you just standing there? Hurry in- don't be shy!" 

At his warm welcome, [y/n] comfortably stepped inside, acknowledging his homeroom teacher and guardian as he gave the pro hero a small smile. 

"Hello Yamada-san, always a pleasure to see you."

Laughing loudly, Hizashi got up from his desk and slung an arm over the male's shoulder, "Now what did I tell you about calling me Hizashi-san?"

"Oh, I couldn't possibly." 

Talking sweetly, [y/n] remained a polite stance as Aizawa rolled his eyes from his desk.

"Stop bothering him Hizashi, [y/n] come over here."

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐔𝐌𝐀. naruto x bnhaWhere stories live. Discover now