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[y/n] will be replacing aoyama in the calvary battle

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trauma - chapter twenty two

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As the crowd went wild, cheering for the student that emerged from the obstacle course in first place, the top three felt incredibly unsettled.

Midoriya, the same male that had the entire stadium rooting for him, held a bewildered expression as his eyes conveyed his inner conflict.

'I came... in first?'

His body turned around as the rest of the passing students filled in the vast area, his green eyes instantly locking onto the tall male and his childhood friend facing each other in the middle of the field.

There was nothing calm about their interaction at all, in fact, it was so chaotic that there wasn't a single person on the floor that wasn't paying attention.

Their eyes were instantly drawn to the rough hands that wrapped around a certain [h/c] haired male's uniform collar, struggling to pull the male down towards his height but to no avail.

"What the fuck was that?!"

Bakugou was furious, to say the least, and it's not like he was the only one either. Todoroki, who stood off slightly to the side behind [y/n], also held a displeased expression. The way his eyebrows furrowed inwards and the slight narrowing of his eyes was more than enough to see that the duo-toned male was unsatisfied.

"Hm? I don't quite understand what you mean Bakugou-san." His words were soft and pleasing on the ears, however, Bakugou could see the hidden warning in the male's [e/c] eyes. 

His grip faltered at the sight, reminded of how easily the tall classmate defeated him in a one-sided fashion. Yet, as always his stubbornness stuck and he held his head high in front of [y/n], his hands clutching the fabric of [y/n]'s clothes tightly.

"You! You know exactly what you did!" His haughty voice caused the corners of [y/n]'s lips to dip downwards in a frown. 

He was mentally older than him after all and [y/n] obviously knew of the lack of respect due to them appearing close in age, but there's only so much the heir of a renowned dead clan could take.


The said male's body flinched slightly as his name was spoken softly yet full of warning. His eyes widened at the smallest fraction, his heartbeat suddenly pounding in his ears as cold fingers wrapped around his hand gently.

"As much as others may tolerate your behavior..."

Pressing on the blond male's knuckles, Bakugou had no choice but to release [y/n]'s collar as his actions alone caused pain to erupt in his joints.

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐔𝐌𝐀. naruto x bnhaWhere stories live. Discover now