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trauma - chapter eight

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It had been a few months since [y/n]'s breakdown, his screams still remaining fresh in the citizen's minds. 

However, that didn't mean [y/n]'s night terrors stopped. Instead, it was as if they increased. Constantly plaguing his thoughts and mind as he went about his day, causing him to train relentlessly to the point of chakra exhaustion.

All so that he wouldn't see his friend's mangled bodies scattered around.

Aizawa took notice to his excessive training and found himself telling the young male to go to sleep every night, every moment of the day, or else he feared the boy would continue. 

The male used the training ground at U.A. with the approval of Nezu sometimes . The teachers having trouble getting used to the young male following around their co-worker, but even they got warmed up to [y/n].

So maybe that's why he got weirded out looks when he stepped into the room.

"[y/n]-kun!" Present Mic yelled out, waving energetically at the boy he grew fond of the past few months, "Have you gotten bored of Shota yet? You could always stay with me!"

The ex-sensei lightly smiled, finding the pro-hero's energy refreshing. 

"Not yet Yamada-san, but I'll keep you in mind."

The pro-hero just grinned, throwing an arm around the young boy, not noticing how [y/n] tensed up under his touch.

"Call me Hizashi-san [y/n]-kun! We've known each other for so long already~"

The other contestants stood in their respective places, their attention drawn to the unknown male that seems well acquainted with multiple pro-heroes. 

They all came from different middle schools, yet none of them knew who the tall [h/c] haired male was. 

"I couldn't, I'd feel like I'm disrespecting you."

Yamada just threw his head back and laughed, [y/n] giving him a tight-lipped smile.

"Well, I can't wait to see you at the practical exam [y/n]-kun~ Blow them away! Literally."

And with that, Present Mic left [y/n] alone.

The male felt everyone's stares but just ignored it, sitting next to a duo-toned male. His eyes scanned over the boy's body quickly, seeing the cold look in their heterochromia eyes.

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