trust me | 34

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trauma - chapter thirty four

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As the Class 1-A students were rounded up for their practical exam, Nezu happily went over the rules and explanation of what was to occur, Todoroki couldn't help but find himself staring at a tall classmate.

The remnants of what they talked about that night when he found [y/n] had stuck with him throughout the day. He hated the way it went down, how finding [y/n] was supposed to be a happy occurrence, not one that was supposed to drive them apart.

Yet, seeing him all buddy-buddy with Bakugou of all people, unnerved him to the end.

'Since when were they are first name basis...' 

If anything, it was supposed to be him next to [y/n]. He was the one that was supposed to cross the line, the line that [y/n] planted to keep himself safe. So why, was he there instead of him?

[y/n] watched as an unrecognizable emotion glazed over Todoroki's eyes. His mouth opened to speak, but the deafening silence shut him up even more. He couldn't take back what he said, a part of him didn't want to. His feet moved a step back.

"Maybe you should get some rest, I think it'll do us both some good." The heir backed away from Todoroki, his body language telling everything the male needed to know.

[y/n] regretted what he said and Todoroki didn't know how to respond.

"I'll see you during testing, Todoroki-san."

As the last word left his mouth, [y/n] felt his heart sink to his stomach but he had to say it. A part of him knew that if he left, the bond between him and Todoroki would shatter. Nothing would be able to pair it together, not with their personalities, no. This was needed. Todoroki had gotten too close.

So, he stood for a second longer. 

And Todoroki took that chance.


His hands grasped [y/n]'s, the hidden emotion from before revealing a bitter look. Todoroki's eyebrows furrowed as he looked questionably toward [y/n].

"I can't help you unless you let me."

At his words, [y/n] recoiled and stiffened, his eyes dropping into one of hesitance.

"Why then?"- why are you holding onto me? "Let me go, Todoroki-san. I will never let you help me."

[y/n] had to leave. For him- no for himself, he could not afford to care more than he already had. 

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐔𝐌𝐀. naruto x bnhaWhere stories live. Discover now