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trauma - chapter thirty seven

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[y/n] lay comfortably within his bedsheets as he wore the red gem earring Todoroki got him. It sparkled in the sun as [y/n] lifted his hand to block the rays which instantly brought his attention to his alarm clock that flashed 2:00 pm.

Yet, weirdly enough [y/n] didn't pay much mind to it. His head was full of his dream that brought up uncomfortable feelings, thoughts that knew didn't belong. 

A dream that would have to stay as one. 

Sluggishly, [y/n] got up with his [h/c] hair all messy and disheveled. The tight white top stretched against his muscles as he rolled his shoulders and neck, tense from his morning training without a proper warm-up and cool-down. 

Footsteps sounded before coming to a stop right before [y/n's room and a knock resonated from his door.

"Come in."

The door opened a second later, Aizawa's appearance showing himself as he peeked inside [y/n]'s room.

"Morning, sleepyhead."

[y/n] smiled softly at the irony, "Good afternoon, Aizawa. Are Katsuki and Kirishima-san here?"

Used to [y/n] being able to know who was around him at all times, no matter if he knew they were coming or not, Aizawa made a sound in agreement, "Yeah. I'd appreciate it if you could do something about it. They're loud."

Having lived with Aizawa for a few months now have opened up tiny little quirks about one another. Aizawa, for example, was rolling his eyes when he was exasperated and at his wits end. 

Smiling softly, [y/n] moved the comforter off of him and got up, "On it."

Despite his almost crazed appearance, [y/n] managed to still look put together. Almost as if it was done intentionally and with purpose.

Walking outside to the overhead ledge, [y/n] called out to the two who were chatting about god knows what and eating everything in sight.

"Kirishima-san, it's impolite to eat with your mouth full." [y/n]'s gaze averted to Bakugou who met his with defiance, "Good afternoon, Katsuki."


Looking up, the two knuckleheads watched as [y/n] moved down the steps, moving with grace and ease. Kirishima gulped the food down before smiling brightly at his friend. 

"Hey [y/n]! Ready for a manly day at the pool?!"

[y/n] raised an eyebrow as he began to clean up the little snacks here and there, "The pool? I'm not sure..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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